Transitioning from Grassroots to Total Web Presence

This week's interview is with Dr.Rich Ulm. This is the second time he's been on and this time is a lot different than the first conversation we had. We chat together on marketing and he brings up his approach which was predominantly grassroots marketing and ultimately wanting more of total web presence. Neither one is better than the other but ultimately, we want to use both to our advantage.  He has built a great practice in Columbus, Ohio through grassroots marketing and does a ton of public speaking in his community but he wants to make more of an impact to help. He does a great job at connecting and being fully involved in the community but unfortunately things have changed a little bit with the ability to do that because of COVID-19. We talk about the transition of going from just a grassroots approach to having a more cohesively designed marketing plan that uses virtual components. This is a great chat with a lot of gems that can be taken and used instantly!

Listen now!!!

Show highlights include:

●      Sub classifying marketing. (3:49)

●      The impact of marketing. (4:45)

●      The idea of Pre-selling. (7:33)

●      Marketing with an integrity standpoint. (9:19)

●      Marketing hourglass versus a marketing funnel (11:40)

●      Super Credibility (13:31)

●      Investigative reporter Idea (16:39)

●      Multi purposed content (20:42)

●      Dr. Rich Ulms Struggles with transition (21:53)

●      Email Automation (25:03)

●      SEO techniques (30:23)

●      Wine, wine, and more wine (34:08)

Power Quotes:

●      “You want to look at marketing as a way to highlight a good product.”

●      “The big distinction in your marketing is it needs to compel and presale them not to try to convince them into this crazy care plan type of deal.”

●      “The better that you brand or content markets, the less you actually have to sell “


Book Mentions:

“Duct Tape Marketing” by John Jantsch


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About the author, Kevin

Dr. Kevin Christie is a Chiropractic Physician and Certified Ergonomic Assessments Specialist (CEAS II) who dedicates himself to treating his patients’ symptoms and physical dysfunctions, whether it’s a professional athlete, a weekend golfer, or an office worker. 

Dr. Christie received his B.S. degree from the Florida State University in Exercise Physiology and was an assistant strength & conditioning coach for FSU athletics. His education and desire for learning continued at Logan College of Chiropractic in St. Louis where he received his Doctor of Chiropractic and Masters In Human Biology degrees. 

Dr. Christie is currently the CEO of Health-Fit Corporate Wellness which provides On-Site Chiropractic and Ergonomics for corporations such as Royal Caribbean, ADT Security, Tyco Integrated Systems, World Fuel Services, Strategic Coach, Frito-Lay, and others. 

In 2016 he launched The Modern Desk Jockey Podcast, which provides healthy solutions for the desk worker. 

Dr. Christie has been the Chiropractic/Sports Medicine Physician for multiple football academies in South Florida. He is currently the Sports Chiropractor for XPE Combine Prep Program in Boca Raton, FL. This role includes treating the college football players during the NFL Combine Prep Program and the NFL Combine in Indianapolis. He also has worked on over 500 NFL, MLB and NHL players for these strength & conditioning companies during their off-season Pro NFL/MLB programs.

In November 2009, Dr. Christie was appointed by Governor Charlie Crist to the Board of Athletic Trainers as the Chiropractic advisor. This appointment is through the year 2017 and will include working with and advising the Board of Athletic Trainers on maintaining and improving the quality of care for Certified Athletic Trainers in the state of Florida.

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