3 Modern Marketing Initiatives

With the overarching theme of The Modern Chiropractic Marketing Group being modern marketing for the chiropractor, I wanted to go into some detail about a 3 phase marketing initiative we are implementing for our corporate chiropractic and ergonomics business. To give a little background on our company, we launched our first on-site chiropractic office at ADT Security in Boca Raton, FL in 2011. From there we have grown up to 5 on-site clinics in companies such as ADT, Tyco, and Royal Caribbean.

We then started to introduce ergonomics to companies once all of our doctors got fully ergonomics certified (Certified Ergonomics Assessment Specialist). Two of the main issues we saw in the ergonomics space was that it was too expensive for companies and hard to reach all of a particular companies locations. Many of these large corporations have multiple locations globally. We wanted to find a solution for this need.

With our goal of a company being to add more on-site chiropractic locations and sell our office ergonomics, we knew we had to leverage technology to position our company as the expert in these fields. We have a lot of work ahead of us, and we are a small player in the industry at this point.

Our three-fold plan to position us as the expert has been to develop and grow our content platforms that include a Ergonomics eLearning Center, E-Book (The Desk Jockey Manifesto) and our Podcast (The Modern Desk Jockey) which launches August 3rd.

These three marketing tools will be both to help our business-to-consumer and business-to-business outreach. We figure that if we can position ourselves as the expert in office/corporate worker's health, not only will companies be more inclined to purchase our digital ergonomics product and on-site chiropractic, but will also position us nicely in our local community. This will inherently draw patients to our Boca Raton and Miami offices.

There is no doubt that it is taking a lot of work from our doctors to make all of this content, but it is also allowing us to re-purpose some of the content and send out informative emails, social media posts, and our direct mail newsletter to name a few.  When we develop a video for the eLearning center, we also post it. When we finished our 85-page E-Book, we have taken topics and concepts from the book and spread it around. Once we launch the podcast, I will be able to email, and social media share each episode to our audience. In my opinion, it is a total win-win.

This is a prime example of leveraging modern technology to increase your education-based marketing to share your message.  I also want to share our initiative with the group this week too. I will be posting our E-Book as a file to this group, as well as posting a free code to our eLearning Center for you to access.  I just ask that you don't share it outside of this group since everyone else will have to purchase these products.  I thank you in advance for agreeing to my request.

As you can see, there are many options that modern technology is allowing us as Chiropractors to think outside the box to compete in this arena of healthcare that keeps on getting harder and harder. Don't let insurance companies and excessive amounts of chiropractors stand in your way of succeeding and thriving.  As the meme that I posted a few days ago says, "You are Confined only by the Walls you Build Yourself."

Kevin Christie1 Comment