Re-purpose Your Content For Content Momentum

One of the key concepts of a Content Marketing strategy is to utilize re-purposing of content to get the maximum usefulness of your content and to make the process of content creation manageable, especially if you are a practicing Chiropractor.

In my private practice ( and our corporate chiropractic business (, we utilize this strategy often. For instance, in 2016 the four doctors in my practice wrote The Desk Jockey’s Manifesto, which is an 85-page book and e-book for the desk worker. This book included everything from statistics, ergonomics, exercises, nutrition, and self-assessments.

You better believe we utilized chunks of content from that book and re-purposed it for different channels and purposes. Some of the ways we have repurposed that content over the last year has been:

  • I have recorded Modern Desk Jockey Podcasts from some of that content

  • Sent emails to our patient base

  • Blog posts

  • Webinars to companies

  • Lead Generation Content

  • Videos

I would guess that the Desk Jockey’s Manfisto gave us more than 15 topics or pieces of content that we could spread to our community in smaller bite size pieces of content that were transmitted via the above-bulleted channels.

Another repurposing example is I had Dr. Court Vreeland guest host my Modern Desk Jockey Podcast and taught my audience what types of meals one can eat to abide by an anti-inflammatory diet. (episode 52). I subsequently had that podcast episode transcribed for $11 on Fiverr and turned that into a written blog. That blog will then be an email to my patients and part of our direct mail newsletter to our patients.

Another example, I screen share recorded a webinar to Campus Management, which is a company we work with on ergonomics. This webinar was on Understanding and Preventing Low Back Pain. I then sent the video to my podcast producer, and he stripped the audio and turned it into a podcast episode. That video was also uploaded to YouTube and sent to my patient base as an email.

I think you get the point by now…..

“I don’t have a podcast,” you say, well you don’t need a podcast to re-purpose content. But you do need to create content! I believe now you see how you can re-purpose content that you create. I also detailed a strategy of using FB Live to re-purposing. See Epic Content Marketing Strategy for Chiropractors

I took 4 of my podcast interviews from The Modern Desk Jockey and distilled down the main concepts that can help the desk jockey combat the ill-effects of sitting for prolonged periods of time. From here I will turn it into the below, simple blog post and infographics for my desk jockey audience.

  • In Episode 2  I interviewed Georgette Kores, Corporate Wellness Director of World Fuel Services

  • In Episode 11 I interviewed CEO Jason McCann of Varidesk about Standing Desks

  • In Episode 39  I interviewed Ergonomist Darcie Jaremey about Proper Ergonomics

  • In Episode 36  I interviewed Upright Technologies and their Posture Wearable

Modern Desk Jockey Episode 2: Georgette Kores

Key Takeaways from one of the top Wellness Directors, who leads the global company World Fuel Services.

  • Only 7% of companies have a "true" holistic wellness program in U.S.

  • Massive Transformative Purpose: Designing and developing a culture of wellness

  • Communications is the focus to become a "well "

  • Locally focused events but also global/regional initiatives is the best strategy

  • Move often and move well. Sitting is one of the biggest health battles companies face in the office.

  • Spend at least 5 minutes out of their day visualizing yourself in a powerful way.

Modern Desk Jockey Episode 11: Varidesk Interview

The Realities of Sitting

Computer workstation ergonomics cannot be discussed without also discussing sitting and the adverse health effects it has on us. With the advances in technology over the past two decades, we are now sitting more than ever before. On average, we spend about 9.3 hours a day sitting, while only 7.7 hours sleeping. Just think about your daily routine and how much time you spend sitting. If you’re like most people that have an office job, after you get up in the morning, you sit down to have breakfast, you sit down in the car on your commute to work, you sit all day at work including your lunch break, you sit on your drive home from work, you sit to eat dinner, and then you likely sit on the couch to watch television, read, or surf the internet. Some of you may get an hour of exercise at some point in your day, but it is easy to see that most of your day is spent sitting. Recent research has shown that this type of sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to your health, even if you exercise or live an “active lifestyle.”

  • It's not about standing all day. It is about sitting and standing throughout the day

  • You can stand too much

  • The idea of being active in the office is the way we’re designed. We were not designed to be sedentary. In the past 50-100 years are entire lives are built to be sedentary at work, commuting, at home, sitting at school. The entire pendulum has swung towards to sitting throughout childhood into adulthood.

  • Our bodies are designed to do 45-50 min then to sit down into recharge mode and go right back to work again. But in the last 50 years, we are sedentary all the time.

  • Mayo Clinic leads the early research. 2012 Wall Street Article "sitting is the new smoking" by Dr. Levine

  • Australia has done a tremendous amount of research on an active office

  • Sports Medicine Journal in UK 2-4 hours of standing/activity per day at work

  • Texas A&M Study: 46% more productive when active at work

The body is not designed to stand all day 

  • 15-20 min per hour of standing. Grow from there. Everyone is different. 4-6 of 8-9-hour work day of standing seems to be the global number desk workers work towards.

  • Short blocks of time. Like 10am-noon

  • Varichair: stool that allows you to perch, lean back, not sit all the way

  • Anti-Fatigue Mat, with or without shoes. Get the right shoes, a secondary pair of comfortable shoes stored at your desk.

Modern Desk Jockey Episode 39: Ergonomist Darcie Jaremey

Darcie’s Top 5 Ergonomic Recommendations for Your Workstation

For the Desk Jockey

1) Chair Familiarity: Make sure to adjust the chair to your specific height, size, lumbar support, etc. Make sure to read the manual for your new chairs to utilize the full potential of the chair.

2) Make sure the backrest angle is slightly reclined about 95-115 degrees. Don’t have your backrest fully straight.

3) See the Infographic above about Darcie’s recommendations on Standing Workstations

For Programmer Administrators

4) Follow-Up with the desk worker after the ergonomics assessment has been performed. Touch base with them and give them assurance on any changes made to their workstation.

5) Ergonomics Showroom: For the employees to test different chairs, mice, etc., to see what suits them best before they had to purchase something.

Darcie’s Massive Transformative Purpose: Scale ergonomics to the small companies and make it easy to implement.

Resource Recommendation: Kodak’s Ergonomic Design for People at Work. Great book for ergonomists

5 Reasons Why Ergonomics Showrooms Are So Awesome

  1. It takes the guess work out

  2. There are many similar products out there

  3. Goes hand-in-hand with Ergonomics Assessments

  4. Can help with returning someone back to work

  5. Get the Ergonomics Showroom List Here

Modern Desk Jockey Episode 36: Posture Pro Wearable by Upright Technologies

The product is a small biofeedback posture trainer placed directly over the spine that attaches to the upper back with a reusable hypoallergenic adhesive. It is worn while sitting, standing, walking, or driving. Using a smart sensor and learning algorithm, the device senses subtle changes in posture and vibrates to give users real-time posture feedback.

“Poor posture looks bad, and can lead to decreased confidence and back pain,” said Oded Cohen, founder, and CEO of Upright Technologies

Facts about Back Pain

  • Back pain is a top condition for missing work

  • Telespine research avg USA employee will miss 7-11 days due to lower back pain

  • 7B reported having back pain due to posture



Facts about Posture

  • Postural Awareness is a key factor in correcting posture

  • Upright Neutral Spine: It takes time to build up to good posture

  • Sternum Up as a cue

  • Biggest concerns: focus, productivity, and confidence (power poses)

  • Habit forming postural correction

  • Don't "pull your shoulders "

  • Increased Productivity at work: Ernst Young 30-Day study

Kevin Christie1 Comment