10x is Easier than 2x with Kristi Chambers
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10X is fundamentally about quality vs quantity, and the quality of your freedoms determines the results you achieve.


This is not a hustling culture.


As Ben Harding, Co-author of the book “10X is Easier than 2X,” states: 


“10X is not the outcome; it’s a counterintuitive process you can apply every time you want exponential growth in your life and business. To make 10X possible, you must focus on expanding what Dan Sullivan defines as your four most important freedoms — time, money, relationship, and purpose. As your time becomes 10X more valuable, you increasingly multiply the money you earn both in terms of amount and profitable satisfaction. 


As money becomes a tool you can increasingly access with greater ease, you will engage with a growing number of other freedom-motivated individuals. As both your professional and personal life fills up with 10X more unique and collaborative relationships, you will realize that your most powerful purposes in all areas become 10X more lasting and positive for everyone involved. You will be impressed by what your life has become, and the meaning and impact you’re having.”


In this episode, I interview Kristi Chambers of Strategic Coach on this concept, and we discuss how you, as chiropractors, can achieve 10x results in your life. 


We discuss the following topics, but are not limited to: 

  • The 80/20 Rule Shirt you need to make 

  • Quality vs Quantity

  • The 4 Freedoms 

  • My 10x in last 10 years 

  • Giving yourself a more reasonable timeline 

  • Much more! 


If you’d like to reach out to Strategic Coach, visit www.strategiccoach.com 

You can also find the book 10x is Easier than 2x there or anywhere books are sold.


Kevin ChristieComment
Keys to Clinical Efficiency and Ethical Practice Growth

Many evidence-informed chiropractors are loaded up with amazing skills and certifications, and that is great. However, it is all too common that we are not clinically efficient, and it is not only harming our ability to grow a practice, but you may also be over-treating your patients. 

In this episode, Dr. Brett Winchester joins us to discuss how important clinical efficiency is for your patients, practice, and your team. 

We pull no punches in this episode and we discuss the following, but not limited to: 

·         Clinical Efficiency 

·         Over-Treatment

·         Minimal Effective Dose 

·         Effective Treatment Plan Frequency and Duration 

·         Progression and Regression of manual therapy and care. 

·         Working as a team 

·         Importance of Profit Margin and being able to grow a team. 

·         Patient Adherence 

·         Results-Based practice vs. Time-Based Practice. 

·         Much More. 

Our overarching goal is for you to be patient-centered, provide highly effective care, and financially thrive as a sought-after doctor. You and your patients deserve that. 

You can find more about Dr. Brett Winchester at the office website winspineandsport.com or email him at bw@winspineandsport.com.


Kevin ChristieComment
Transforming Your Leadership Capabilities with Michael Cooper

The reality of life is such that it takes leadership qualities to have a thriving family, friends, patient-base, team, and practice. Many believe people are born leaders, but the truth is you can transform your leadership with intentional strategies. 

In this episode, I interview Michael Cooper of Human Performance Mentors. Michael has spent many years working with athletes and business leaders of all levels. Michael and I first met in 2012 when we were both working with XPE Sports NFL Combine Training Prep. 

We have a wide-ranging conversation about the mindset it takes to perform at the highest level. Michael discusses his five key aspects of Leadership and the importance of a “Mastermind Alliance” in your life. 

Oftentimes we get frustrated with the patients and team members around us, but we need to first look in the mirror and make sure we are providing the optimal leadership to transform those around us. My hope is that this episode starts you down that journey of leadership transformation.


Kevin ChristieComment
The Modern Chiropractic Marketing Roadmap Revisited

So, what is the Modern Chiropractic Marketing Roadmap?

The Roadmap will help you develop a clear message congruent with your clearly defined audience. It will show you how to leverage modern distribution channels that will position you as the expert in your community. You will be able to implement and sustain this because you will have a strategic plan, and you will automate, delegate, and optimize all aspects of your practice’s marketing. 

The Destination: Positioning, Planning, and Producing

The Destination is having your marketing plan written out along with your goals, strategies, and campaigns for the month, quarter, and year. You need the ability to track your practice’s past and current data and be able to set realistic goals around new patients, office visits, revenue, and profits.

You also need to know how to position yourself in the community and within a particular niche or categories.

In the Destination, we discuss the following aspects:

• Positioning in Your Community

• Marketing Plan

° Monthly

° Quarterly

° Yearly

• Editorial Calendar

• The Indicator Scorecard

• Marketing Finances

• Automate, Delegate, and Optimize Your Marketing


The Fuel: Content Marketing Strategy 

Content with a clearly defined message that is consistent and creative is the fuel for your overall marketing efforts. Content marketing should be the foundation of your marketing, around which you can develop campaigns and tactics for a well-rounded plan.

In this section, we will cover the key aspects of an impactful content marketing strategy:

• What is Content Marketing?

• Clearly defined Audience

• Content Marketing Throughout the Patient Lifecycle

• Creating, Curating, and Repurposing Content


The GPS: Messaging and Storytelling

The GPS consists of your clearly defined message and storytelling. Through the training of The Content Marketing Institute, Strategic Coach®, and the book Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller, I developed an easy-to-implement way to match a clearly defined message with a clearly defined audience-specific for chiropractors.

This will help you form the connection between optimal messaging and the chiropractic practice by covering the following in this book and its affiliated workbook:

• Clearly defined Message

• Storytelling

• Addressing Patient Conflicts

• Sequence of Story

• Developing a “One-Liner” for Your Practice

• Where to Utilize Story in Your Practice


The Vehicle: Content Distribution

Modern technology has allowed us to get our content and message out easier and cheaper than it used to be. You can leverage these distributions channels and use them optimally for your practice. These channels can be a noisy place since anyone can publish content, but if you deploy them effectively with compelling content that has the right messaging aimed at the right audience, you will see results.

In this section, we will cover the following distribution channels in depth:

• Website

• Google

• Social Media

• Email Marketing

• Patient Communication

• Public Speaking

• Community Outreach

• Direct Mail

• Free Online Courses

• Virtual Summits

The Roadmap outlines each step for developing an effective content marketing strategy for your practice, without becoming overwhelmed or needing to spend thousands of dollars per month on ads. I want to cut through the confusion and have you gain confidence in your marketing and budget without making the common mistakes many chiropractors make in their practice.


Kevin ChristieComment
Transformational Clinic Growth with Dr. Brock Martin

After a few years of practice, we sometimes feel that there isn’t much growth left and our practice is probably going to always be at this particular level. 

And the truth is, you are probably right if you continue to think that way and not make the necessary growth strategies to transform your clinic. 

In this episode, I interview Dr. Brock Martin on how he spent 7 years somewhat stuck and now 2 years later has tripled his practice. 

Dr. Martin discusses these key aspects that helped his team transform their practice, community, and patient experience. 

  • Get your mindset right

    • Poverty mindset

    • Serve people and help others

    • Give back

    • We deserve to make a good living/enjoy it

  • Be involved in the community

  • He was the biggest burden to his practice

    • It falls back to the owner, not anyone else

    • Allow the team to delegate and run more of the show

  • Capital expenditure

    • Too many chiropractors are playing small

    • Build capital

    • Investing back into the team (the secret sauce)

  • Learn how to create value

    • Experience for the patient

    • The Disney experience

      • How do we make the patient feel?

    • Chick-Fil-A experience

  • Good business is providing a great experience for the patient

  • Be a GREAT clinician and a GREAT business owner

  • Investing in ourselves

    • Coaching

    • You must commit to spend money to make money

    • Don’t be afraid to charge for the value

If you’d like to reach out to Dr. Brock Martin to pick his brain, you can reach him here: 



Kevin ChristieComment
Emerging Opportunities with Dr. Bill Morgan

It is no secret there are challenges in our profession and healthcare in general. The Mercedes Eighties are gone. However, I contend, and this week’s podcast guest, Dr. Bill Morgan contests, that there has never been a better time to be a chiropractor. 

Dr. Bill Morgan is the president of Parker University and has spent years in the profession at the highest level. He has had opportunities in many areas and is at the cutting edge of the profession. 

In this episode, we discuss emerging technologies such as: 

  • Emerging career opportunities for chiropractors

  • Synapse Human Performance Centers

  • Medicare Equality

  • Parker University’s Growth

  • Team Development Opportunities

  • Dr. Morgan’s experiences in the hospital setting, military, and White House.

I challenge you to listen to this episode and start thinking of how you can develop unique opportunities in your career to exponentially grow your practice and/or professional development.



Kevin ChristieComment
Never Lose a Patient Again with Joey Coleman

We all know that patient referrals are the biggest driver of our practice. However, many of us are failing to cultivate our new patients into advocates of us and our practice. 

Too many chiropractic practices burn and churn through new patients and wonder why they are not getting the growth of their practice they would imagine. 

In this episode, I interview Joey Coleman, the author of Never Lose A Customer Again: Turn Any Sale Into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days. 

You may be asking; I don’t think of sales and customers in my practice. That is fine, Joey happens to also be very integrated into the chiropractic profession and knows the nuances we face. In this episode we guide the conversation around the chiropractic practice. 

I was fortunate to attend his 2-hour presentation at the Florida Chiropractic Association’s Orlando Conference and it was eye opening to say the least. 

Joey does a great job of spotlighting where we are making mistakes in the patient experience and what you can do to start improving. We discuss how you can transform new patients into advocates of your practice. 


Kevin ChristieComment
How to Become the CEO of Your Practice with Ray Tuck

 I am a firm believer in beginning with the end in mind. That takes having an idea of how you see your practice and career’s path down the road. 

Whether you want to die on the chiropractic table or exit patient care and run the business, you should set your practice up to allow you to stay fascinated and motivated. 

In this episode, I interview Dr. Ray Tuck who is the CEO of his chiropractic business that has multiple locations, many team members, and consistent growth. 

I have personally expressed my exit from patient care in the summer of 2022 to allow me to focus on what is fascinating and motiving me, which is taking a leadership role in my practice and helping chiropractors grow their practice with MCM and CSA. 

Dr. Ray Tuck made that same transition years ago and hasn’t looked back. He is clear on what drives him and that is still optimal patient care, but instead of him delivering that, his team of exceptional chiropractors and support team members does it. 

I appreciate the fact that most DCs are “the product” and can’t envision the practice operating without them providing care. I understand that fully. But imagine if a DC who is the product built a great business around that DC product and could hyper focus on being the best product they can be? 

A DC with a well-trained team, great patient experience, and all the other aspects firing on all cylinders could then be fully present with patients during patient care.

It may take some time to get to that point and there will always be hiccups but overall, you would have much more time spent in that ideal present state. 

So, whether you want to be a non-treating CEO or a treating CEO, this episode with Dr. Tuck will help you get there.


Kevin ChristieComment
How Content Marketing, SEO, and Social Media Work Together with Darcy Sullivan

Many chiropractors don’t fully grasp how Search Engine Optimization can be improved and produce many new patients per month. Think of search as the modern yellow pages and the more prominent you are listed, the newer patients you will receive.  

In this episode with Darcy Sullivan, we discuss how your content marketing strategy and social media marketing work together to improve your SEO.  

We discuss how you can create effective content and which distribution channels will improve your overall search results. 

You must remember that SEO isn’t only for Google but also Bing, YouTube and other social media channels. In my book, I discuss the Total Web Presence and how that is like having storefront signage on Main Street. 

Listen to this week’s episode and start to plan your content marketing and social media marketing with guidance. 

Here are some free resources that supplement this episode:


Kevin ChristieComment
What is Your Net Promoter Score? with Jay Greenstein

Sometimes the silent killer of a chiropractic practice is having a poor Net Promoter Score. You can be a good doctor, understand business, and perform effective marketing, but if your Net Promoter Score is suffering, you may see stagnant growth. 

In this episode, Dr. Jay Greenstein joins us to discuss everything Net Promoter Score. He defines it for us, discusses the impact on your business, and the drivers of a positive Net Promoter Score. 

We have seen chiropractors who don’t do any marketing and aren’t that good at business, but they have a waiting list. Typically, this doctor has a very high Net Promoter Score and has a raving fan base that pounds the table for their friends and family to “go see my chiropractor!” 

Dr. Greenstein helps guide you to start measuring your Net Promoter Score and how to improve your new patient referrals, patient adherence, and reactivations by implementing certain strategies. 

I am making our next campaign a Net Promoter Score survey and I highly recommend you consider that after you listen to this episode.


Kevin ChristieComment
Practice Growth with Learned Public Speaking by HOF Speaker Joel Weldon

Hall of Fame Speaker Joel Weldon discusses learned speaking skills and how public speaking and enhanced one-on-one communication with your patients can exponentially grow your practice.

  • Why Public Speaking for Chiropractors as a Marketing Tool

  • Positions you as the expert

  • Cost-Effective

  • Opens so many doors

  • 3 Most Important to know

  • Learned skill, you are not born with this skill

  • Be Yourself, have a conversation.

It’s all about the audience, it’s not about you. What do you know, that can help them. Avoid personal pronouns

  • 4 Steps to Joel’s System

  • Who is my Audience?

  • The more you can know about your audience the better

  • Know what their NFVs are (3 Questions)

  • Needs, Fears, Victories

  • Golden Thread

  • What is this message about?

  • That’s the focus of your talk/Communication

  • What is your call to action?

Start working on your story!

The 5 D’s of Story Telling

  • Discontent

  • Defining moment

  • Decision

  • Discovery

  • Dream Fulfilled

Text Joel at 480-526-5888 and Text the word “Video” to receive the FREE 5 D’s Video

5 D Video will help you create your own personal story that helps you relate to your audienceJoel has been kind enough to offer our audience a “Godfather Offer”. That’s an offer you can’t refuse… The Ultimate Speaking System Usually is usually $1797, but for our audience, he is offering it for $997. I will be taking him up on that offer!

Joel’s One Word For More Powerful Communication “Even”Add even before the word “better” or “more”

Even better shape

Even more money

I can help you feel even better

You can find Joel here: www.Successcomesincans.com or joelweldonspeaker@gmail.com.

Speaking is a learned skill!

Listen now!!

Kevin Christie