Never Lose a Patient Again with Joey Coleman

We all know that patient referrals are the biggest driver of our practice. However, many of us are failing to cultivate our new patients into advocates of us and our practice. 

Too many chiropractic practices burn and churn through new patients and wonder why they are not getting the growth of their practice they would imagine. 

In this episode, I interview Joey Coleman, the author of Never Lose A Customer Again: Turn Any Sale Into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days. 

You may be asking; I don’t think of sales and customers in my practice. That is fine, Joey happens to also be very integrated into the chiropractic profession and knows the nuances we face. In this episode we guide the conversation around the chiropractic practice. 

I was fortunate to attend his 2-hour presentation at the Florida Chiropractic Association’s Orlando Conference and it was eye opening to say the least. 

Joey does a great job of spotlighting where we are making mistakes in the patient experience and what you can do to start improving. We discuss how you can transform new patients into advocates of your practice. 


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