EPISODE 409: 10 Disciplines to Maximize Your Freedom, Energy, Creativity, Impact and Inner Peace with Gino Wickman

Hey, chiropractors. We're ready for another Modern Chiropractic Marketing Show with Dr. Kevin Christie, where we discuss the latest in marketing strategies, contact marketing, direct response marketing, and business development with some of the leading experts in the industry. 

Dr. Kevin Christie: [00:00:00] All right. Welcome to the show. I got Gino Wickman with us today and excited to dive into something that you may not be expecting if you're very familiar with the book traction and EOS, but we're going to dive into a, a very deep topic today. And that is from the book shine, but Gino, before we really get deep into it, tell us how you bridge the gap from, you know, the business world and really dive into that over the last few decades here into now, shine and, and talk a little bit about that book and let's, let's dive into it.

Gino Wickman: Sounds great. Well, let me start by saying, Kevin, I'm thrilled to be here. And I hope that we will make a huge impact on your audience today. So I'm really looking forward to this conversation. And on your question, what I'll do is I'll just start by creating a context, which tends to help everybody understand the big picture.

Because first and foremost, I am a guy who is obsessed about helping entrepreneurs. Okay. And so now let's take that word. And let's talk about your audience of chiropractors. who [00:01:00] are doctors, but they are business owners. And so what I hope to start right out of the shoot is to shift their mindset that in this conversation, they are not doctors, they are business owners, i.

e. entrepreneurs. And so if they started that darn practice or inherit it from someone else, and they're growing it to the next level, they are entrepreneurs. And so my life is entrepreneurs and I have created five. Pieces of content in the world to serve and help entrepreneurs get everything they want out of their business and lives.

And so very quickly, those 5 pieces of content are entrepreneurial leap for a person that thinks they might be an entrepreneur, but aren't that yet they have not taken their leap. Or they're an early stage entrepreneur. Then there's rocket fuel for when that visionary entrepreneur needs to find their integrator counterpart to take the business to the next level.

Then there's traction and EOS when they're ready to run their business like a Swiss watch. Then there's EOS life for when they're Ready to live their ideal life and then there's shine, which is what [00:02:00] we're going to talk about today. And that's the opportunity to really take it to the next level, implement 10 disciplines in their life to really maximize their energy impact and inner peace.

And then three discoveries for really going deep and and doing some inner work to find incredible inner peace. And so The reason I start there, and I know that's a mouthful and a lot to follow, uh, if you go to ginowickman. com, it's all there. I don't feel like you have to absorb all this, but the point is I meet an entrepreneur wherever they are on their journey.

And what we're going to talk about today is advanced stuff. Because if you think of those five pieces of content, That's really the entrepreneurial climb and what happens for most entrepreneurs as they get to the top of the mountain, they achieve everything they thought they wanted to accomplish, and they thought that they would find that inner peace and satisfaction.

But a lot of them are left feeling empty. And so we're gonna touch on that. And then we'll dig into We'll touch on the 10 disciplines as well. So what led me to that is I am my content. In other words, I teach what I needed [00:03:00] the most. And so when I sold the OS worldwide, I was in that same place where I got to the top of the mountain accomplished every Entrepreneurial goal I had for myself and found myself feeling a bit empty.

And so I did some inner work and inner soul searching. And so there's kind of the jumping off point for what got me here and helping all these entrepreneurs. And then I watched it in so many that I was just kind of pinged to create this content with my coauthor, Rob Dubay. And here we are on this podcast talking about it today.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah. And I really wanted to dive into it because I, you know, I know that Being an entrepreneur is hard no matter what industry you're in. I feel like being a healthcare entrepreneur or a doctor that owns a business, it has a whole other level because when you're caring for people, that takes a lot out of you.

And if you've got some stuff you got to work through, it can impact that. And then you got to put on a different hat and [00:04:00] obviously be an entrepreneur and business owner. And it can be a big struggle for folks. And I do see a lot that end up Um, doing well, right? They do well on all things, right? They all levels of quote unquote success.

They have the things and they've made the income and kids are doing well, all that. And they're just not satisfied. And I get them calling me, uh, I'm 45 years old. So I'm like right in that sweet spot of midlife crisis time. Right. And I get a lot of, uh, docs that reach out to me. It's like, ah, you know, we're.

Revenue is great. All these are great, but I'm just not feeling that. And I'm not an expert in this type of stuff. And I want, I always like to extract out that what I can for people that have that kind of been to that journey like you have. And so I, I appreciate you, uh, with this book as I read it when it came out and it really opened my eyes for some of it.

So I want to dive in, uh, to start out with is the, we're going to, we're going to go deep here. And so the three discoveries to. to really free your true self. Can you [00:05:00] start with number one and work our way through with that?

Gino Wickman: Absolutely. And so again, I'm always a fanatic about creating context, you know, so the audience is following us.

And so that first big piece of context was the five pieces of content. And so now we're going to piece of content number five shine. And I want to create kind of a mini context around shine, because what we're going to do is we're going to go into the three discoveries to free your true self right now.

But what I want to prepare your audience is the second part of the book are the 10 disciplines to maximize your energy impact and inner peace. And what's important to know is when those 10 disciplines are embedded in your life, it creates space and time for you to really dig into these. Three discoveries, but I always like starting with the three discoveries so that they understand the big picture in the context and what's possible.

And so I also try to help clear up any confusion. There's so much terminology. You know, it's like I'm trying to make it make sense as fast as possible for your [00:06:00] audience. And so the three discoveries. I'll start high level what they are and then we'll do that drill down you asked for with discovery number one Uh, but again the three discoveries to free your true self And so discovery number one is the discovery that I am driven and understanding you're driven We'll come back to that in just a second discovery two is understanding that all decisions Are made out of love I'm sorry, love or fear, all decisions stem from love or fear.

And then the third discovery is that it is possible to be driven and have peace. And so I always love to give the high level just so you can kind of see the journey that happens, but starting with driven, and I go back to that point I made a minute ago. chiropractors out there listening, these doctors, you are business owners.

In my mind, first and foremost, you're a business owner. You're an entrepreneur and you are typically driven. And so we driven entrepreneurs, business owners out there, it's a blessing and a curse. And I call it a [00:07:00] discovery because the idea is to really know yourself and realize, wow, I am a driven person.

And the blessing and the curse is that the blessing side is we create more than most. We are superhuman in terms of our energy and the way that we create things. We are about 5 percent of the planet. So it's, it's very unique and rare upwards of 10 percent different studies, but for a visionary driven entrepreneur, there's only 4 percent of us on the planet.

And so what's important to understand is you are an alien. 96 percent of the planet is not like you. And so it's realizing that the curse side is we do a lot of damage. We do a lot of damage to our cells, our bodies and the relationships in our lives because we just leave a black trail behind us as we build what we're building, building.

And so it's just a matter of understanding that and that driven DNA that we have. It's been with us our whole lives. It gets us in trouble and we make [00:08:00] mistakes and we do things and it causes trauma. And then all of a sudden we've created pain in our lives and we're trying to mask this pain through addictions and trying to just hide from the world what's really going on on the inside.

And so Again, discovery number one is just realizing I am driven. It's a blessing and a curse and understanding all the blessings and all the curse so that now I know what I am and we can move to that second discovery.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah, that's a, that's a big one. And I think, um, you know, sometimes I'd love your thoughts on this a little bit of a sidebar on it, but you know, there's a low percentage that are on for newers.

Um, and I think as a chiropractor, a lot of them, Become practice owners, and maybe they aren't naturally in the entrepreneurial, um, you know, spirit of things, but they're kind of forced into that. Um, and that becomes a whole other layer for them. They are driven, but maybe haven't had the tool set to do [00:09:00] it.

But that's where some of your other content comes into play to help with that. Is that correct?

Gino Wickman: Yeah, I appreciate you saying that because that's why I give the big picture context because if we're sitting here talking to entrepreneurs about entrepreneurs and you're an entrepreneur, it's hard not to kind of go back to some of that content.

And so my entrepreneurial leap content, that's a book that I wrote called Entrepreneurial Leap. There's also a website e leap. com where there's an assessment and you take this assessment. And so a true driven entrepreneur has six essential traits. Visionary, passionate, problem solver, risk taker, responsible, and um, um, problem solver.

I think I left out there, but the point is. That is the DNA of an entrepreneur. And that assessment, if you simply take that assessment, you're going to get a score. And if you score 90 or higher odds are really good that you're an entrepreneur. And if you don't, it's a great awareness tool to really know thyself.

And if being an entrepreneur is right for [00:10:00] you, because not everybody is meant to be an entrepreneur. So yeah, I appreciate you. calling on that content to help someone out there that if they're really struggling building their practice, they may not be an entrepreneur, i. e. driven entrepreneur, visionary, business owner, et cetera.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Love it. And then what are some of the pitfalls you see of these driven folks where they really are a hard charger? Um, what are some of the things you see, unfortunately, in this crowd?

Gino Wickman: Well, again, it's that black trail that I talk about. They just tend to do damage to both themselves and the relationships in their lives.

And so the way we do it to ourselves is we are just so amped up, you know, like I have a heart issue, you know, I have a blocked valve. Fortunately, it's going to be manageable. I don't need to stand in like that. But my doctor is convinced it happened to me in my 20s when it was so intense in my 20s. And so we do damage to our bodies.

We create disease in our bodies with this intensity where we just [00:11:00] go, go, go. And then again, with relationships, you know, There are a lot of divorce driven entrepreneurs. You know, there are a lot of friendships that have been destroyed employees that we burn through and burn out. So we do a lot of damage with relationships.

And so again, by zooming out and understanding the awareness of that. You're able to then really address your driven nature, manage it well, and then maximize it.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah, and I hear that a lot from chiropractors where they do have a lot of turnover, because it's typically an intimate setting of employees, right?

3, employees, it's not 200, so you're kind of a close knit group, but they have this consistent turnover, and to your point, that could be part of the problem there. Yeah. And then

Gino Wickman: also, you know, this is why I always like to give a glimpse of what's coming in our conversation, because remember, these are discoveries we're talking about.

And so if you're out there going, what, wait, how do I solve this? Slow down right now. We're just talking about you discovering [00:12:00] this because we need you to discover it first. And so remember, discovery three that's coming is that it is possible to be driven and have inner peace. So it's coming. And then the 10 disciplines are the tools that you embed in your life to help you.

Be driven, have that inner peace and maximize your life as a driven entrepreneur. I

Dr. Kevin Christie: love it. And then moving on to number two, decisions are made out of love or fear. Uh, talk about that a little bit. Yeah,

Gino Wickman: for sure.

Dr. Kevin Christie: I would love to. This is my

Gino Wickman: favorite one of all of it. This is probably my favorite part of all the content.

And I'm going to let you be the gauge of how deep we go here We could go eight hours into this content. Okay. So I'm going to give you like the really high level version of this. And then you let's go wherever you want to go. You know, your audience better than I do, but it just starts again. It's a discovery with you out there, realizing that all decisions are made out of love [00:13:00] or fear.

And so every decision you make. But also thoughts, emotions, feelings and decisions. But let's just call those decisions. Every decision you make when you make it, it stemmed from love or fear. Now let's take those two words, love, fear. If we take it a level deeper, love, fear, love. Is coming from your true self.

Okay. And so we use the term true self in this book, but you can call that whatever you want. You can call that soul, you call that spirit, you call that heart, but it's coming from your body, your soul, your spirit, i. e. true self. So that's love. Fear is coming from your ego, your head. And so if you understand that context, And you now create awareness in your life as you go forward, you're going to start to see clearly whether the decision was made from love or fear, true self or ego, and you will start to discover how [00:14:00] hijacked.

You really are by your ego and what we will find, especially as driven entrepreneurs is our ego is in control and has our true self trapped in a prison and most of our decisions in life have been ego based, fear based, and we've built this structure in our lives, this protective layer to protect us from ever feeling the pain that we felt in the past.

And so we put on the suit armor, we go forward, and it's just a series of fear based decisions. Now, all that said, in that state, you will build an empire. You know, if we go back to the four pieces, the first four pieces of content I created, that's going to help you build an empire in your outer world. I'm just now trying to help you see this amazing discovery so that you can build it.

enjoy it with having inner peace because in the state that I described with your ego, having you hijacked and you trapped [00:15:00] behind that suit of armor, it is not a peaceful place in there. The tectonic plates are shifting. And, and, and so there's the jumping off point in terms of discovery number two.

Dr. Kevin Christie: You know, and I, in my personal, uh, I should say professional development in life, I've been practicing for 20 years now and I heard a person say on a podcast once, and I forget who it was, but he's like, you know, the first half of your life you're kind of building that vessel and in the second half of that life you're filling that vessel, you know, and I 26 years old when I graduate from school, and then you work for someone and I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to get outta that.

And, and I got into a partnership and then opened my own practice. But a lot of the decisions I made at that stage were for me. Fear base. I had a lot of fear around. Am I going to be successful? Is this going to work out? Am I good at what I do in it? But it did motivate me and definitely had a lot of drive.

And I look back now at 45 where I'm kind of, I've kind of built the vessel now, you know, and now I'm [00:16:00] into that stage where I'm trying to Fill it. And I look back on, on my younger self, and it's kind of a catch 22. It's like I wouldn't want to change too many things, but I'd left a, a black trail for sure.

Um, and there's no doubt about it. And so, uh, it's not wanting to regret things, but. Uh, it was something that I was very fear based and now I'm starting to recognize that and I think I'm developing some of the strategies like your 10 disciplines here to, uh, let's change that. Let's get out of that ego and let's try to do that.

And then one other thing I want to kind of tie this to our audiences. Uh, when you're when you're based out of fear too much and maybe it's professional life, personal life, you're going into that patient treatment room and you are not able to be the best version of yourself for that patient. And one of the things we talk about a little bit is that present [00:17:00] time consciousness with that patient and focusing on them.

And that's what you have to do as a doctor. That's what's so hard is that we have to go into a room and we might have to do that 30 times in a day and be there for that person and out of love. You really want that to be, but we're going in there out of fear of like my payroll is struggling. You know, I've got this going on.

I'm burned out. I'm thinking about, um, you know, The the next hire someone just left the practice and so we we deal with that a lot and that that one for me When I read your book really resonated And I was able to reflect back on the the level of fear that was driving me, but it definitely helped me build something

Gino Wickman: Yeah, and and on that, you know, and again you rein me in if we're going too deep and you've got to manage a clock Here, but you know, I want to first of all make it clear Everything we're talking about is in the book Shine, and I go really deep.

My co author and I, Rob Dubay, go into this really deep, so the [00:18:00] answers are all there, but I want to take you all the way to the end game on this one, just so everybody understands the hope here, because the idea is once you realize this dynamic, Love, fear, true self, ego, the prison that your ego has you trapped in, the protective layer you created, you can shed all of that.

That's what it's all about, is shedding all of that. And I take you through a process where at the end of that process, through awareness, as you said, consciousness, just simply being aware, you'll start to make a shift. From fear based decisions to love based decisions, because you'll start to go to the root of where the fear is coming from, and the fear is a protective layer from some pain from the past that it's important to address if you want to shed all this and experience peace.

But two things number one. If this is scary, just keep working on your outer world. Just keep implementing this content to help you build a great company. Your soul will ping you at the right [00:19:00] time. And what we know is somewhere on your journey at the top of that mountain, you'll confront this stuff. Your, your, your soul won't let you not.

But the power of this is we're trying to help driven entrepreneurs start this as early as possible in the process, because, you know, I know I couldn't go back in time, like you said, at 27 and maybe do this work, but it's becoming so much more. You know, mainstream and the awareness is out there that I think we're going to start seeing more and more 2022 25 year old starting businesses that are confronting this stuff in the early stage so that they experience peace on that whole journey of climbing the mountain, unlike what you and I had to do is experience a whole lot of pain for 20 years and then get pinged that it's time.

But here's the worst case. Worst case scenario. You know, Start your business, build your business, implement the [00:20:00] first four pieces of content, build an empire, achieve all those goals. And you're sitting there at 50 years old or 60 years old, then confront it. Then at least you'll, when you leave this planet somewhere between age 80 and 120, at least you will have achieved, you know, both being driven and have peace, but the sooner you can start the better.

And so I urge you to start today.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah. No, I love that. And, um, what age, if you had to say that you really started to confront it for yourself?

Gino Wickman: Yeah, it's really interesting. Something just happened to me in the last two weeks where I, I, I found the age. So what I would always say is, you know that I got pinged right around age 30.

And so I've been dabbling with this, dancing with this since age 30. I'm 57, so for the last 27 years, and there's no question. I've been using the term shedding layers for decades now, that I've been shedding layers during that time, um, putting a little bit of a dent in this. Um, but for me, it was age [00:21:00] 52 after I sold EOS Worldwide, two years after the sale, sitting in my living room, celebrating my success, and then the universe hit me over the head with a sledgehammer and said, no, no, it's time to wake up.

So it was a massive, the last three to four years was a massive shedding that went on. So it started for me at 30. But what I found is a couple of weeks ago, a poem I wrote, uh, I literally read this on one of our podcast episodes. I wrote it at 29 years old. It was called the facade and it was all about shedding the facade.

So I think that. It was right around 29 when I really started to realize there was more going on than just this outer world stuff. That's there's some inner world stuff that I need to address and the suit of armor, the Teflon shield that I'd created was so thick and strong that it's time to start shedding that damn thing because I was not the real me.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Love it. Love it. And then that takes us to the third one, which I, I really, uh, really [00:22:00] resonate in. What is that third one?

Gino Wickman: Yeah. And so the third one is that it is possible to be driven and have peace. And so now you follow this bouncing ball, these three discoveries. The first one is the discovery that you're driven and the blessing and the curse.

And in that discovery, you thump your chest certainly on all the blessings, but you beat the shit out of yourself with all the curses, right? So you're like, it's almost like it's kind of a bummer to realize and realize all your addictions. Okay. And so. There are addictions and those addictions are there to soothe and numb us from feeling the pain.

And so that's kind of a bummer. Then you get to the second discovery and you realize, wow, there is a process for me to shed, for me to go to the root of what it is I'm trying to numb. It's that thing that happened at age seven for you. And then maybe something happened at 12 and God knows what else, but you start to confront and shed all that stuff.

And you can shed it. We give you 30 ways to shed it in the book. Now, all of a [00:23:00] sudden, but again, that's still pretty scary. So then I take you to the possibility of the discovery, which I hope you will discover sooner than later, is that it is possible to have this incredible drive that is a blessing and a curse, but experience peace.

So I always put my hands under my chin and I talk about the tectonic plate shifting. It is possible to feel incredible inner peace and not that uneasiness in those tectonic plate shifting. And so it is possible. And so in that discovery, and certainly it's the 10 disciplines, as we keep alluding to that are going to help you get there and help you maximize this inner peace.

But I want to say a couple of things to this, because what also happens for us driven entrepreneurs is the thought of peace terrifies us, or at least it terrified me because what I thought was going to happen is if I ever found inner peace, it would zap me of my drive. It would zap me of my superpower.

It was, I literally thought I would lose everything. And the first time I got pinged with inner peace. was when my [00:24:00] daughter was born. I was about 25 years old, and the moment she was born, I felt the most incredible peace, love. I mean, it was indescribable what I felt, and it lasted about an hour. And then I stuffed it back down because it scared the living shit out of me.

It felt wimpy. It felt weak. I literally thought I was going to lose everything. And I just put the Teflon, you know, I put that suit of armor right back on. And then two, three years later, my son was born. I felt that again, briefly for 30 to 60 minutes, I stuffed it back down. And so, so with that, it is possible.

Fear that comes with that for us driven entrepreneurs, but the realization that happens when you do this work is the realization that holy cow, I can be driven, I can have that piece and not only is my drive going to be just as powerful, it's going to be more powerful because what happens is [00:25:00] your whole life shifts.

To an inside out approach to the world, no longer an outside in approach to the world. And the outside in approach is again, when your ego's running the show and you're weighing every decision based on competition, comparison, judgment, you're worrying about what everybody else is going to think about this decision.

All of a sudden inside out says, all I care about is what my true self, what my soul wants, and you will make better decisions. From the inside out than the outside in. And that level of energy is immeasurable. And then that maximizes your drive. And it literally, I don't know the number, but at 10 X is it a hundred X.

I don't know what the number is, but I'm experiencing it. So I can speak from experience and, uh, can tell you it's a lot more than what it was.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah. You know, and it's interesting when I remember reading that part of it, cause what I found for myself when I reflected upon it was that when I would hit [00:26:00] certain periods of inner peace, I would almost feel like, okay, I'm.

I'm being too lazy or I'm not working hard enough. And then I would, I would cover it up by layering on more drive to it. Yeah. So like you said, and so I almost looked at it and was like, Oh, I can't be at peace here. Like there's gotta be something I need to be doing. And, uh, that was a big, big awakening for me, for sure.

Gino Wickman: Huge, huge. And I will say this, you know, so in no way am I saying I've got it all figured out and I'm enlightened in other. And I think about like the scale of zero to 100 percent where there's no way to measure this, but let's pretend, you know, 100 percent is where your true self is fully free. In other words, your soul is free.

Your ego has dissolved it. That's 100%. You know, I don't know if I'm at it. 1 percent or 100%. I'm on this journey with everybody else. And I love sharing the journey and being on this journey with people. So I don't know if I'm at, you know, 10 [00:27:00] percent 90 percent 50. I fear that I'm at about 1%. But I will tell you wherever I am, it feels a hell of a lot better than it did four years ago.

And so it really is a journey because it's this process of again, that awareness was that love based or fear based, realizing it was fear based. Chasing down with the root of the fear was feeling a sensation in your body that does not feel so good and pain comes up from the past, releasing whatever that was, and then all of a sudden you reach another level of freedom because that's another layer that got shed.

Your ego has dissolved a little bit more. Your true self is more online and leading. And so anyway, so there's the process. So where I am, I have no idea. I'm not, you know, saying I'm enlightened and we're all just, you know, on this journey together,

Dr. Kevin Christie: but it's like a golf game, right? It's like, you know, I might not be able to get to a, uh, single digit handicap, but if I can go from a 15 to a 12, I feel good about that.

And that's progression. Would you say that what you found with this work and with working with folks is that. Once they see [00:28:00] progress, that really helps give them some momentum and they feel better and more at peace in general. Even if they go from 10 percent to 20%, it's not necessarily about getting to 100 percent tomorrow, but just seeing the progression, they're doing a lot better.

Gino Wickman: Absolutely. And I would say two things to that, you know, I don't know that the golf analogy is the perfect analogy because what's different about this is you can become a scratch golfer. So what I would suggest is that your true self. Your soul wants to be free can be free. You're the only one stopping.

In other words, it came into this planet. You were born it. You were 100 percent pure and free. I mean, you were your innate self. And then the world got a hold of you. And unfortunately, you built all those layers. So The beauty is you can get to 100%. It's just not easy. Number two is yes, it's all about progress, and it's taking these steps.

And then we describe all the steps, you know, in shine for you. But it's, it's [00:29:00] realizing where the fear is coming from feeling that pain. Releasing what it was. Sometimes you're forgiving someone. Sometimes you're forgiving yourself. However you release and let it go. And then, yes, feeling that peace and that sensation.

And it's a process of just shedding all that stuff. And the, the realizing where the fear based decision came from and chasing down that pain. That part, there's nothing enjoyable about that. But having that experience shedding it and that elation that comes after. There, there then is the feeling of wow, progress because it's all about expanding and what happens is we expand, we contract, we expand, we contract, but you're always expanding.

It's like three steps forward, two steps back, three steps forward, two step back, and it's understanding and feeling the pain and the pleasure and understanding we have to feel the dark to experience the light. And so all of a sudden you realize it's just this, this kind of it. [00:30:00] flow that you're in, but it just keeps getting better and better and better and better.

There's always going to be challenges in life. There's always going to be things to face, but you just get better at dealing with them as you shed that stuff from the past. That's holding you back.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah. And that's where I want to, you know, I, I come, I came across this, um, Whoa. And I, and I heard it on a podcast and the person that said it didn't know who came up with it.

So I can't attribute it, but I, it just seemed very apropos to knowing that I was, you know, uh, going to have this interview with you, but quote, because life is suffering, you need to pursue meaning that justifies that level of suffering. Um, and I don't think people have to suffer in a sense, but what it's saying is that like, life is hard, right?

You're going to lose family members. You're going to. You're going to have bad days. There's going to be things that happen to your kids that you don't, don't want. And you got to be able to, to navigate that. And I think having that meaning and maybe when some of your meaning is just covered [00:31:00] up with a bunch of the crud.

And once you get down to it and really start to understand yourself and your true self, you're able to maybe manage those obstacles a little bit better. Would you agree to that?

Gino Wickman: Yeah. And I, you know, I would say this first, the funny thought that's coming to me is if you would have told me five years ago, I'd be having this conversation on a podcast, you know, Mr.

Business guy, hard charging, you know, the suit of armor, I would have, there would have been a fist fight. Okay. So it's so funny that we're, it's amazing that we're having this conversation and now I'm having it, you know, daily. So, yeah. Hallelujah to that, whatever that means. Number two is yes. And I would say what you said, I'd say it a different way, but it's the exact same thing because there's so many different ways to say this.

And, and words can't describe this. Once you know it, you know, truly in your true self, once you know it, but it's like, Life happens. And the best way I heard that is a saying that says, [00:32:00] see life as it is. Okay. And it's like the matrix analogy. What happens for most of us is none of us see life as what it really is.

We made up a story. We have ourselves so fooled and we're trying to control every aspect of life. And we really think we have control of life and you don't. And so, yes, people come, people go. People die, people are born and it's tough. So life is hard and business is really hard and the less you can attach yourself to all that hard stuff and just kind of float above it and observe it all and see life as it really is.

What you realize is they are all lessons. That just keep helping us evolve and grow and ascend, and I just love that word ascend, but it's growth. It's like what I realized my whole life is I'm a grower. I just want to learn. I've been through so much. I've gone through so much. I keep growing. I mean, I'm a, I barely graduated high school with a 2.

3 GPA. I did [00:33:00] not go to college. I was a derelict. And so when I look at all of the learning and growing that has gone on, I'm just here to grow, but it's like, We're all here to grow. And so if we can kind of rise up above that stuff and see life as it truly is, they're all lessons. They're all here to help us grow.

We're all getting our own lessons. And so I hope you see the connection to what you said, because that what I just said is exactly what you said with a different set of words. But at the end of the day, there are no words to describe this thing because it's all just a knowing once your true self and your soul really sees it.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah, I love it. And one of the things I always appreciate, appreciate about books is when they, they give you a lot of the deep stuff and contextual, sometimes theoretical or the research or whatever, but then they transition to applicability and actual strategies that you can do. And that's what you did in this.

This book and we obviously won't be able to dive deep into all of the the 10 disciplines and people can can pick up the book to do that and it what I loved [00:34:00] about as you went through the the 10 and i'm just gonna have you kind of Share the the 10 and and kind of the the overview of that one But in the book there's actual description of the benefits of this, the actions to take for it, and how you can really actually, you know, implement it in your life.

So let's start. What's, uh, what's the first discipline of the 10?

Gino Wickman: You bet. And as always context, I'm going to bring you back to kind of a mini context here, but, you know, I want to, as we go into this, as we come out of the three discoveries and we go into the 10 disciplines, you know, this, I, there's this thought that always rings in my head as I think about your audience, you know, I think about.

They're all sitting going, what does this have to do with business? You know what, this conversation you and I just had for the last 30 minutes, like, what does this have to do with business? And my answer is always everything. I mean, this, if this is grasped, your business will be better. You will be a better entrepreneur.

And I just want to share. What my family, friends, co [00:35:00] workers have said about me as a result of this work, because this is my wish for all of you out there. And then we'll get into the 10 disciplines for how to do this. It's I'm told that I'm more calm. I'm more patient. I'm more loving, open, freer, happier, more present.

I receive love. I'm more inspiring. I'm less judgmental. And so my point is when you are that. You are just a better driven entrepreneur for all of your people and everything's better. And so with that, I just wanted to say that as we shift now to the 10 disciplines and the context here is I always love to actually give all 10 just a really high level of all 10.

Just so people got to get a sense of what we're about to talk about. And then I always just urge you, you know, your audience better than I do. I'd love it. If you just pick the one, two or three that really jump out at you, that will help them the most, and then we can dive deep into those, but at really high level, here are the 10 disciplines to maximize your energy.

Your impact and your inner peace. Discipline number one is [00:36:00] 10 year thinking. Discipline number two is take time off. Discipline number three is know thyself. Discipline number four is be still. Discipline number five is know your 100%. Discipline number six is say no, dot, dot, dot, often. Discipline number seven is don't do 25 an hour work, i.

e. if you want to make six figures or more. Number eight is prepare every night. Number nine is put everything in one place. And number ten is be humble. And the little setup to this I want to share is just These are the 10 disciplines that I have lived by for more than 25 years in my life and have had an incredible impact and people will ask, you know, you seem so passionate, you have so much energy, you know, it's, I'm not making that up, you know, I didn't get lucky.

I didn't get the lucky energy card. It's just, I live by these 10 [00:37:00] disciplines and your energy will go through the roof. You will make a bigger impact and you will experience the inner peace that we're talking about. You're welcome. Because they create a foundation and a platform where stuff comes up and I'll leave it at that.

And you tell me the one, two or three that you want to talk about.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah, let's do a, let's do a few. The first one is the, is the tenure thinking, cause this is something I really. have gotten good at for myself. Uh, and I try to tell chiropractors like, look, you know, you're, you're not thinking longterm enough.

You're not giving yourself enough runway. And so you're getting real squeezed. I feel like from a compression of time standpoint. So, uh, what are some of your thoughts on the, on the 10 year thinking?

Gino Wickman: Yeah. So each time I teach a discipline, I always start with what we call a bold statement. Okay. And so the bold statement, what that is, is that is if you would just give me blind faith and just do this damn thing, you will get all of the benefit, but unfortunately, most human beings resist that they need to be sold.

They need to be taught. They need to be conveyed. They need to be swayed. So here's the bold [00:38:00] statement. And then I'll share with you the benefits. And then hopefully that'll prompt some questions and a good conversation for you and I to have. So the bold statement around discipline number one, 10 year thinking is to simply shift your mind from short term thinking to thinking in 10 year time frames.

Now, if you will do that and give me blind faith, here are the benefits you'll experience. Time will slow down, a piece will come over you, you will make better decisions, you will get there faster, wherever there is, you will have more clarity, you will have more alignment with everything in your life, and the old saying, go slow to go fast, you'll literally slow down and actually go faster, it's the most incredible, complex, funny thing with those two competing things, but it's true.

Dr. Kevin Christie: And what I found was actually reflecting back on the previous 10 has been very helpful to then understand what you can get done in the next 10. And so [00:39:00] I remember when I turned 40, I looked back at age 30 from 30 to 40. I was like, wow, I opened up my first practice actually at age 30. And it was amazing the growth I had.

And then I looked back. It's like, wow, from age 20, I was, uh, you know, getting drunk at college football games at Florida State University. And then by 30, I owned a practice. You know, and it was like, wow. So then I said, okay, what am I, what's life going to be like at 50 and now I'm kind of halfway there and I'm already gotten a lot further than I expected.

And so I definitely found looking back at the previous 10 on what you can get done helps me set a big vision for the next 10 and it allows me to decompress a little bit and say, okay, I don't need to do it. Next year or tomorrow.

Gino Wickman: Yeah, you know, it prompts a couple of things I would share and I'd love what you just shared there.

I never really heard somebody say it so well that the power of looking back to go forward. So so well done there. You [00:40:00] know, there's an old quote that says it's a business quote that talks about we overestimate. What we can get done in a year, but we greatly underestimate what we get done in 10 years. And so if you'll shift to this 10 year thinking you will get so much more done.

And the way I like to describe it is think of it this way. Just make every decision that you make going forward a 10 year decision. Every decision you make little things like what you're going to put in your mouth. In other words, what do you want to look like 10 years from now? Well, that piece of cake you're about to put in your mouth, that's probably not the best decision that will lead you to that 10 year.

And so just make 10 year decisions. It's like when I created EOS, I created EOS to last a hundred years. That was my goal. It has now lasted over 20 years. So what I know though, is however long it lasts, let's pretend it only lasts 30 years or 40 or 50. Will have lasted longer because I created it with that 100 year thinking in mind as opposed to just [00:41:00] thinking about this year.

And what is the entrepreneur world need this year? And so the point is just shift everything to long term thinking because Frankly, 10 years is just my way of tricking you and some people really struggle with 10 years. I'm trying to get you to 20 year, 30 year, 100 year thinking, ultimately to realizing there is no time and there's enough time to accomplish everything.

But that's where it starts to get really heavy right now. Just start thinking in 10 year timeframes and make every decision a 10 year decision.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Love it. And then the next one I want to cover real quick is, uh, number five, know your 100%. I think that's something that a lot of people do not get in touch with.

And it's, it's huge. What are your thoughts on that?

Gino Wickman: Yeah. And this one's near and dear to my heart and it freaks out most driven entrepreneurs, but it's a belief that I have. And I've been living this one for more than 30 years. Um, but it's understanding that you have. a perfect amount of time that is your perfect energy [00:42:00] output.

And so here's the bold statement again, if you would just do this, and that is decide on and commit to the perfect number of hours per week and weeks per year that you will deliver your craft to the world. And so for me, my entire entrepreneurial life. I have been a 55 hour a week guy and I work 40 weeks per year, or at least the last 20 years for sure.

Always kind of been a 55 to 60 hour a week guy that has actually shifted for me in 2024. Just last year. My goal was to get down to 40 hours a week, which is really crazy. Yeah. Uh, you know, excuse the French edited out, but a mind fuck. I mean, it's literally makes it my tectonic plates. My central nervous system did not like that because I have been conditioned for that, but I overcame the shift and I got there.

So, but let's go back to the 55 hours a week, 40 [00:43:00] weeks a year. That was what I did for the last 20 to 30 years building EOS worldwide. But the point is that was my maximum energy output. And everyone has one. And what that means is one more hour per week, you will start to burn out one less hour per week, you will start to get bored.

And so here are the benefits. And let's see what this prompts for you. And so the benefits of doing this is that your boundaries will be clear. You will make a bigger impact. You will have more fun. You will increase your income. You will maximize your energy output. You will vibrate higher as a human being.

You will get back your most valuable asset, which is your time. Because think about this, you know, one of the disciplines is don't do 25 an hour work, but once you know, you're a hundred percent in that is your work container. All of a sudden when the job gets bigger [00:44:00] than that, there's your opportunity.

There's the boundary that says, oh, I don't work this much. You need to delegate something and rule of thumb delegate a $25 an hour, $50 an hour work that you shouldn't be doing. Low energy work, low income work. Just keep delegating, delegating, delegating, and stay within that and you'll continue to delegate and elevate.

Delegate and elevate as we talk about and teach in EOS and my book Traction.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah, I love that. And I just was kind of the connection I was making was like, if you really know you're 100%, it then allows you the boundary to know what you need to delegate to people. Uh, and again, I like how sometimes it's elevating.

It's not like it's a bad thing to be doing. Someone's really skilled at that, but you're not. And I, and I think that really helps clear that. And a lot of, um, chiropractors struggle with the delegation side of things and they put too much on their plate. And so they actually know they're a hundred percent.

I love that. They can know what their plate can handle. Then they can start to look at the things, um, to, to delegate, which [00:45:00] is, which is great.

Gino Wickman: Yeah. Let me give you a great example. As we're sitting here, you and I doing this podcast, there's a perfect example staring at us. So again, if, if your audience is tracking with us.

Once you know that 100%, you're never gonna, you're never gonna go beyond that. And so when something comes, all these beautiful opportunities to do more come, you say, Oh, here's my boundary. I'm going to now delegate that. And then what happens is you start then delegating the low energy, low income. Doing more of the high energy, high income stuff.

So now the quality of work you're doing is much higher quality and pays you more. And so just like we're sitting here doing a podcast right now, I could do 200 podcasts this year and I'm not doing that. Most I did in a year was 100 and I'll never do that again. But I'll probably do 10 podcasts this year.

Okay. So I just handpick and that's all I have the capacity for. There's 190 that I could do. I have to say no to all those. And when I choose a podcast, I have to choose the podcast that's going to make the biggest impact. And [00:46:00] so kudos to you, Kevin, for building such a successful podcast. But that's an example of.

Okay, so now here's my work container. I can only do 10. Let's pretend 20 podcasts, whatever the number is, that's it. So I have to say no to every single other one. And then I delegate that to my coauthor or other people that can do them, but I'm not going to do it because it's not high impact. And so that's just one great example where you out there have to get good at making tough decisions and saying no, if it's not high energy, high impact.

within your work container. And what most driven entrepreneurs is they just keep saying yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes to everything. They're working 70, 80 hours a week, killing themselves so I can go do the other 90 podcasts. But unfortunately, I'd be working, you know, same thing, 70 hours a week. I'd have to start working 41 hours a week.

And I also, you know, I also take time off and we, that's one of the disciplines, which. Helps restore your energy to be great inside that work container. Hopefully that's what

Dr. Kevin Christie: I really [00:47:00] appreciate about the 10 disciplines was they, they feed and they connect to each other. And it's not, you know, it's like if you just did one of them, it'd be amazing.

But then the, once you do one, it leads to the next and it leads to the next. And when you really get this strategy down, you now have that framework to produce at a high level, You know, get pair. I think too many entrepreneurs get paralyzed when they get overwhelmed, and that's a problem or burned out one way or the other.

And these are these have been great. And I just highly recommend people get the book, go through each one of those tens and actually, like, actually apply them. And that's what I loved again about the book was there was actual steps you can do to apply them. But if someone wants to get really deeper into this, obviously, Yeah.

Let us know where they can get the book, but what are some other ways they can reach out and even dive further into some of these learnings?

Gino Wickman: Yeah, great. I appreciate that. And I invite you all on this journey. And so I'll start by saying I love what you said there because the 10 disciplines, [00:48:00] they all stand on their own.

You know, you could implement one in your life and get benefit, but there's a synergistic effect when you implement all 10 in your life. So I urge you to implement all 10 and the book absolutely is a how to manual for doing that. All content I create is very practical, very how to. So I'd urge you to get the book, you can get it at any major retailer.

You can find it through our website, the10disciplines. com, and that will take you there. On that website, there are a few things to offer you. What I would urge and start with is something we call the True Self Assessment. Takes just a few minutes to fill out, but the result you're going to get, it's going to show you how free your true self really is.

It's going to be a beautiful starting point for you. And so please take the True Self Assessment. And then if you want to go much deeper, You can certainly do this all on your own using the book, but we offer a self study. If you want some help in implementing these 10 disciplines in your life, we offer group coaching if you want that.

And we also have a [00:49:00] mastermind. If you really want to start to go deep, we call it the true self mastermind. Cause that's when we're really going deep into those three discoveries. And so those would be the resources. You can also download a free chapter of the book from the website. If you just want to get a taste of like the first.

27 pages and see if that pulls you in. So there's a free option for you to put your toe in the water, but those are all the wonderful places to start to embed these 10 disciplines in your life.

Dr. Kevin Christie: I love it. And we'll put all that in the show notes and get that out to everybody as well. And, uh, I know that I've been talking with Rob about, uh, getting involved in some of that, so I'm excited.

and I really appreciate your time today, Gino.

Gino Wickman: Yeah, it was a blast, Kevin. So well done, brother. Great questions and great stories on your end. So, uh, hopefully we made a huge impact today.