EPISODE 403: 2024 Positive Focus and 2025 Vision

Hey, chiropractors. We're ready for another Modern Chiropractic Marketing Show with Dr. Kevin Christie, where we discuss the latest in marketing strategies, contact marketing, direct response marketing, and business development with some of the leading experts in the industry. 

Dr. Kevin Christie: [00:00:00] Welcome to another episode of Modern Chiropractic Mastery. Every year around this time, I do a positive focus. I learned this from strategic coach and, uh, it's a really helpful tool for me to get clear on the positives from the year and then go into the next year. Feeling good about it. No matter who you are or what you're doing, there's going to be challenges throughout the year, but there's always going to be positives and you got to take those, uh, when you can.

And a strategic coach was instrumental in teaching me that. And then each year I do this episode, uh, to give you kind of a, an update on what's positive in my world. And, and honestly, to hopefully compel you to do the same for yourself. And so we're going to dive into that. And I'm just going to read real quick from strategic coach, one of their tools on the positive focus and why to use it.

So here we go. Uh, the positive focus is a simple and powerful tool to reinforce and protect your personal confidence. Confidence is the foundation of everything. every day [00:01:00] progress and achievement. When you're not feeling confident, no matter how capable or resourceful you are, it's hard to take action.

When you are feeling confident, there is very little you can't do. The positive focus has you measure progress from where you started rather than against an ideal result. When you focus only on what still needs to get done, you risk feeling as though you're never achieving enough.

This depletes your mental energy. By focusing on actual progress and achievements, you create momentum that leads to even more progress. Being in charge of your confidence means being in charge of your future. The bottom line, focus daily on your progress to protect and reinforce your confidence. So, um, I'm going to go over.

Uh, my positive focus for this year. And then I'm going to also go over some of my vision for 2025. So let's dive into that here.

So when you're doing your positive focus, you're going to [00:02:00] one, write out your achievement to the reason why that was an achievement. And three further progress, if any, and if there is further progress, number four, your first action in that. So some things you, you may not have for further progress and that's totally fine.

And some you met. And so I'm going to dive into it. Now we've got a handful of things here. One is we had great trips and vacations this year. We, uh, celebrated Laura's, uh, my wife, Laura's grandmother's 90th birthday out in Tucson, Arizona, took the family out there. That was Great. We had a lot of, a lot of cool birthdays and anniversaries this year.

Um, we had our fifth wedding anniversary. So we went back out to Sonoma at the MacArthur place, uh, where we got married five years ago. If you have not been to MacArthur place in Sonoma, I highly recommend it. It's just, uh, it's amazing. Um, Napa hotel resort type place. Uh, my dad turned 70 in August and we went to St.

Augustine, Florida, where he was actually born. And it's somewhere we've gone every year when I was a child. And I've been there many times. It was [00:03:00] very, uh, sentimental. So I, I kind of paid for everybody to go out there and have a great weekend. There, and then, uh, you'd had a ton of great mastermind trips.

Uh, part of what's amazing about the mastermind and the members can tell you that is not only do you learn a ton for your practice, uh, but we go to cool places and you hang out with cool people and you have accountability groups and friendships out of this. And it gives you an escape from your practice four times a year to not only again, learn, but to have a little camaraderie and a little bit of enjoyment.

You know, we work hard. And, um, It's really good to get out of there and have fun, you know? And so in the East group, got, we did, we were in Jupiter, Florida early in the year. That was fun. Then we were in Nashville, Tennessee, summer Chicago, which is awesome. And then we're, uh, we were in San Antonio. So really cool areas there for the West group.

We started in Phoenix, Arizona. And Phoenix, Scottsdale, Arizona, that area. Then we were in Denver, Colorado, then Jackson hole, Wyoming in the summer, [00:04:00] which just was a remarkable experience. And then we wrapped it up in San Diego, California. So we had some really cool trips and, um, you know, that's just part of what.

My family and I have, , are cultivating is a, is a, , you know, a lot of travel, a lot of experiences for our kids, my, my wife and kids come to some of these masterminds. We, we travel as a family for vacation things as well. , but ultimately vacations and trips are going to be a vital part of our life.

And even around the mastermind, they're going to come to, , three or four of those every year, which are, which is pretty cool. And then, um, you know, further progress is just 2025 coming up. We got, um, mastermind, we've got great locations, we've got some vacations planned. So just, , first action is to plan out our two week vacation, come next summer.

It'll be the first time in a couple of years that I've actually taking, taken a two week vacation. Um, complete free days vacation. So that'll be our next step to plan that out. Next [00:05:00] is, um, couldn't be happier with, um, bringing on Dr. Gage Winkles to the practice here. Uh, he was in may, he started may 1st and it's just been a really good onboarding.

Um, as I record this, uh, it's just been, it's been great and, uh, I can't, uh, commend him enough for the effort he's putting into the practice is, and it's allowing me to, to focus more energy onto MCM and, um, one of the great, uh, things from that is I'm now down to part time care. And so it's allowing me to put more focus on MCM and the creative and, and frankly the growth that we're having at MCM with helping practices out in many different avenues.

And so, uh, that's been a, just a phenomenal positive to the practice. As many of you know, I was out of practice or sorry, out of treating patients on the practice, uh, and then had to jump back in full time for a year. And I took my time finding the right associate and I feel strongly that I did. And, uh, And, uh, that's been really cool.

So that's been a phenomenal aspect of [00:06:00] 2024 and looking forward to continuous progress into 2025 with that. Um, we really don't have a first action on that. I think we're at this point pretty well onboarded and ready to, to really grow the practice, which kind of leads. uh, to a 2025 vision, which I'll get to in a little bit there.

So I'll, uh, I'll cut the, this one short and finish it up here on that 2025 vision. Uh, the other thing we did, uh, in 2024 was back in about mid April, we added shockwave therapy, uh, from Kinas medical to our practice. And, uh, it's been quite amazing. The results we're getting from, uh, from it. Conditions that we were getting good results from before, getting faster results, conditions maybe we were struggling with, or we had some blind spots on, it's really helping out with.

And then frankly, the ROI has been a lot more than I could have imagined. It's been a really good support system from Kinas, from the clinical side of things, from the support. Just from the [00:07:00] technological support, but then also launching it appropriately to our patient base And to just to the community So I think we've done a really good job with that and it's going to it's it's honestly It's changed the complexion of our practice in a very positive way So that's been really good.

I would say further progress with that as we are Uh, we have been through our, we're in our thick of our busy season right now and just making sure that we continue to excel at this and, uh, if we run into any bottlenecks in the practice and, you know, maybe we have to hire someone or even add a second shock wave if it keeps growing, which is good, a good problem to have, but, um, for the progress is to keep on, um, getting awareness out in the community and honestly separating ourselves because a I think a lot of people are getting shockwave therapy and I know there's a lot of people in our area, but there is a clinical component to it and there's a communication of component around it.

And I think if we do better than, than everybody else at that, [00:08:00] which I think we can, um, we will separate ourselves in the area and position ourselves, uh, frankly, like say how Dover did. Dr. David Rudnick, who's only about 30 minutes away from me has done for his clinic is, uh, there might be a lot of people around him that have shockwave, but he is the shockwave guy there.

And he's positioned himself well because of his clinical skillset with it. And so shockwave has been a great positive, uh, to our 2024. Uh, next is we had a successful launch of the 30k course, and we're in the thick of that. Now, uh, we had a good amount of docs sign up for that. They're looking to get their practice to 30, 000 a month.

I think this is just such an instrumental thing for practices. I've, I've talked about a lot. You probably heard me talk about it enough, so I won't dive too much into it. But it is a positive. And I think further progress is we are actually in the middle of the drip of that is to keep on making sure we provide value during this two month stretch of the 30 K online course that also has group zoom calls and other touch points with it.[00:09:00]

And I think first, you know, maybe first action after this is if this has panned out pretty well, and everybody likes it. What are some other pain points that we can develop some online courses with for you through MCM and or. Uh, CSA. And speaking of CSA, uh, the digital dashboard, we keep on improving that.

Um, that thing is becoming a great dashboard for planning out all of your practice growth needs. It's not a, um, it's not like a track stat or a blue IQ or anything like that, where you're going to get a ton of the analytics, which is great. And you need those things. So, um, you know, A lot of our members have track stat and do that.

I highly recommend it. The CSA digital dashboards a little bit more on the community outreach planning, the marketing planners, uh, uh, indicator score cards. It's a really good practice growth, a planning tool for you. And we keep on improving that. So check that out. That's at CSA circle. com. [00:10:00] And our next action is, honestly, just keep on improving it.

We get a lot of good feedback from our clients and our chiropractors, and we, we try to implement some of those with our developer, Joshua, who's amazing. And, uh, so we'll keep on improving that.

All right. Next one is the clearly heart exam. I am 44 years old in my paternal 47 years old from a heart attack. Now, uh, You know, always worry about the congenital. My, my, as I mentioned earlier, my dad turned 70 and he's very healthy, which is great. Uh, my, his father, uh, who had passed away at 47, uh, just lived a different life.

So I know there's some, uh, environmental factors versus say congenital. I mean, he was a flamethrower in the Pacific war for four years for World War II, uh, you know, came back drinker, smoker, you know, all that type of stuff after [00:11:00] living a life of war like that. And, um, the stress of it. And. being shot and the malaria that he got out there.

There's a lot to it. And it was a different day and age. Um, but I always want to keep that content congenital possibility in there. And so there is the clearly heart exam. And I got this, uh, from Dr. Jonathan say he had mentioned it in our mastermind group in our East mastermind group. And essentially what you're doing is a year ago I had already done the Um, CT scan of the heart to measure the calcium and I had a zero score on that, which was good.

But then with the clearly heart exam, and I won't dive too much into it other than the fact that I had a clear bill of health on it. You do get a CT angiogram. You take, they take that in a upload into an AI software called clearly and that is C L E E R L Y. You could check that out. They don't offer it everywhere.

Sometimes you might. Depending on where you live, you might have to fly to somewhere to do it. Luckily in South Florida, we have a couple. It is not covered by insurance. It's not cheap, a couple thousand dollars, but it really does a great job of measuring all the soft plaque. And [00:12:00] if you have inflamed soft plaque versus not in different, all the vessels, it really gives an amazing view of the plumbing of your heart.

Again, this isn't going to be the electrical component, but the plumbing and mine came back as good as it could. So I'm very thankful for that. And um, For the progress is just to keep on, uh, staying healthy and keep on working out, keep on trying to eat healthy and do all the things to help with my health span.

And, uh, lastly, the last positive is just overall, I mentioned a little bit, but the mastermind, uh, just two great groups we're growing. It's so good. It's, it's an investment on their end for sure, but they're getting the ROI because I mean, the percentage on each group that is coming back for 2025 is just insane.

Um, and so that's pretty cool. And we, the percentage of our East group, which has been three years now going into the fourth, how many are from the original? It's just showing that some of the groups are doing something, right. They're getting stuff out of it. So it's just been a very positive [00:13:00] 2024 on the mastermind and we're looking forward to a great 2025.

So, um, yeah, Let's dive into the 2025 vision. That was my positive focus for 2024. Um, just like any year there's hard things, there's challenges, that's life, that's chiropractic, that's business ownership, but it was a great year. And, um, I want you to get clear on a positive focus for your practice. Now, 2025 vision.

Uh, one of the things I remember learning some years ago, some years in business, you're going to have stabilizing years and sometimes you're going to have accelerating years in a practice or in a business. And I would say 2025, I'm looking at for it to be an accelerator year in, especially in our practice, but also in MCM, 2023 was a big stabilizer year for both businesses.

2024 was a stable, stabilizing year in the practice with kind of a tail end of [00:14:00] it. You can start seeing the acceleration, which is cool. Uh, MCM, this was an accelerator year. We stabilize everything. Becky as our integrator took over that role. Just amazing what a, what a person can do to, to grow something and help grow something.

And that's where we've been. And we've got a great team around us now with obviously with Kurt and Ashley as our associate coaches, we added Ashley this year. So that was amazing for MCM. She's just been a. been great. Kurt's been great for a few years now. Uh, we've got Emily and Anthony as our account coordinators and Lizzie as our blogger.

And also we got Brian as a blog. We just got a great team of people around us now that have been awesome. Those are the ones that are really working with us. And we have some other, um, great people we have on that are, you know, Kind of contractors that we do. Obviously Darcy helps us out. Dr. Sean Thistle helps us out now, and we've just got a lot of people around us around MCM and the [00:15:00] collaborations, whether it's FTCA or MPI.

I mean, it's just, the list goes on and the collaborations that we have with MCM. And I'm proud of that because I think a lot of people in our space in chiropractic, um, don't have those collaborations and there's a reason why. And I think the re the, the ability for us as a company to. have and maintain long collaborations with groups.

I feel good about that. I feel like we're doing the right thing and we're going about it the right way. And I know a lot of coaching and marketing companies or practice management have not over the years. And there's always a bad reputation around that. And so I feel good about the people that support us and the collaborations that we do have, because they are upstanding chiropractors and people.

And for us to be able to maintain those relationships is really cool. And so, uh, this year has really been a, uh, an accelerator year. For MCM, but I think next year, 2025 is going to be an accelerator for bowl. And, you know, just a learning lesson from that is if you find yourself in a stabilizing year, just recognize it [00:16:00] as what it is.

It's not a big deal. It's going to happen. I don't care if you're in practice for 40 years, probably 20, we're going to be stabilizing years. And that's okay. Cause once you stabilize it, now you've got a solid platform and it didn't accelerate from it. And that's going to, um, really help for better growth.

Next is, uh, I'm excited in 2025 about CSA. You know, Bobby and I are really working hard on that. We've been partners in that since the summer of 2018. So we are, we are six years rolling into seven years as partners in CSA and we keep on getting it better. And we got a few things we're doing, um, to, to optimize that, including, like I mentioned earlier, the digital dashboard.

And so look for some good things from the chiropractic success academy in 2025. 2025. I'm also looking, like I mentioned earlier, getting back to a two week unplugged vacation in the summer. So that's going to be good. We're going to continue, um, to really grow this mastermind. Also, I'm hoping that we're, we're, we're full in the East group.

[00:17:00] Essentially, we'll see how, like, in the summer of 2025, I'll launch for. 2026, we might have to fill a few spots there, but that group seems to be, uh, getting at that 25 or staying there, which I cap it at 25. Cause I want to keep it a true mastermind. You know, you'll hear other folks have masterminds, but it's more like a conference, uh, or a workshop or seminar where there's a lot of people and it's, it's around, it's about one person.

is actually limited people. It's high level people, uh, that are, uh, been, you know, doing this for a bit, trying to help each other out. Um, and so we're looking for those types of folks that are looking to help each other out. And, uh, I think we'll get that West mastermind filled in 2026. So that is our One of our visions and goals and, uh, just overall looking to, um, keep an open mind.

I don't have anything massively big in 2025 that I'm trying to [00:18:00] completely overhaul. I feel like we, over the last year and a half, whether it was my team at HealthFit or my team at MCM, we've done a good job of really, um, implementing the things and the changes that we wanted to. And now it's time to get more.

Um, chiropractors, uh, growing, you know, and then obviously getting more patients getting better. And I think we put everything in place to have an accelerator year and I'm excited about 2025. So your homework is to do a 2024 positive focus. You're going to write out the achievement, the reason why that was important, the further progress if there is in a first action.

If there is further progress. And then I want to know what's your 2025 vision. What are you going to, what are you going to get done in 2025 to feel good about that self? So that when we do a 2025 positive focus in December of 2025, you look back and see what you accomplished and you made it a good year.

Even though of [00:19:00] course there were obstacles, you're going to still look back and see all of the things you achieved. Here's to a great 2024 and an even better 2025.