EPISODE 387: 5 Weekly Touch Points with Ashley Jordan, DC

Hey, chiropractors. We're ready for another Modern Chiropractic Marketing Show with Dr. Kevin Christie, where we discuss the latest in marketing strategies, contact marketing, direct response marketing, and business development with some of the leading experts in the industry.

[00:00:00] Hey docs, welcome to another episode of Modern Chiropractic Mastery. Today I have Dr. Ashley Jordan, who's going to join me for a conversation. She is actually one of our associate coaches here at Modern Chiropractic Mastery. And we, um, have had a great year. She started in January, 2024. New coach, um, has been one of our coaching clients for five years.

She shares a little bit of that story, but we're going to dive in today about community outreach and what they've done in their practice to do that. What she's doing to help our clients and some of her one on one coaching clients. But then also, uh, she does a monthly creative call. Um, the first Thursday of every month and the, uh, great thing about that call amongst many is that, uh, we have owner doctors on there.

We have associates on there. A lot of the owner doctors have their associates on there. Uh, sometimes there are team members because that call is all centered around create creative and so creative around community outreach, what to do, you know, [00:01:00] credibility, enhancing things, how to organize it and structure it.

For maximum benefits, campaign ideas for marketing office initiatives internally to drum up some energy and excitement with your patient base. And that call has been great and well attended since we launched that five or six months ago. And so we're going to dive into today a few things. Uh, we're going to dive into her idea of the five weekly touches in the community.

Uh, we're also going to dive into even some burnout prevention and things of that nature. And just some of the things, uh, she's seen over the last five or six years with the exponential growth of their practice. And we outlined that and, uh, you know, you're, you're going to hear the growth that the practice that her and Brittany have had, and it's pretty substantial in a shorter period of time.

And I just want you to know that you can do that if you have the right guidance, the right coaching and you, and, and you put in the work, um, You can definitely do that. And I've seen it firsthand, obviously many times, uh, with some of our clients that do put in the work and it's, uh, it's pretty [00:02:00] cool to see it's, it was, it's been a fun, um, exponential ride for Ashley and Brittany, and now they're part of our mastermind group as well.

And they're just really putting in the work and getting all the, the results that we all dream of. And so we, uh, we dive a little bit into that today and talk about things you can do in your practice to increase, uh, your community outreach and bring in more. A new patient. So without further ado, here is my conversation with Dr.

Ashley Jordan.

Dr. Kevin Christie: All right, Ashley, thanks for, for joining. Uh, it's the first time you've been on the podcast since you are now a official MCM coach, you and Brittany were on it, uh, uh, before that, but you in January, uh, joined forces with us here at MCM and it's been, it's been awesome. So, uh, welcome back to the show. Yeah.

Ashley Jordan, DC: Great to be on. Yeah. So, uh, we're going to dive in, you know, we're going to kind of talk about something I think that's important, you know, in the last, I would say 10 years. I think it was 2014 where I really [00:03:00] dove into, um, content marketing, digital marketing, social media. Uh, I vividly remember that because I joined strategic coach in 2013.

Dr. Kevin Christie: And then it was in 2014, I got a letter from strategic coach, uh, Uh, and it was, uh, promoting Joe Polish's Genius Network. And, uh, Joe Polish is a world class marketer for, since the nineties. And I was like, who's this Joe Polish guy? And I looked it up and he had a podcast, uh, with Dean Jackson. And that's when I was diving into it.

And, uh, and then ultimately. We here we are 10 years later, and I think it's been interesting to see the progression in the landscape of the, uh, online marketing we'll call it, or the digital marketing. And, you know, when I talk about that, we're talking everything from, uh, Google to Facebook, to Instagram, Tik TOK, I mean, YouTube videos, like the whole nine yards and having that, uh, total web presence.

And I don't think it's, it's, [00:04:00] we. Highly, highly, highly recommend doing all that stuff. And I mean, that's, what's just been amazing, uh, for my practice, but it's, it's changed. Uh, what have you seen change a little bit over, over the last five or six years in the online world? Um, we started out with just doing the super basic videos and, um, definitely not just doing the online world and more or less doing a little bit of online, but definitely getting out.

Ashley Jordan, DC: Into the community and also just being consistent with online, right? Like you just get your videos out no matter what.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah, absolutely. And you guys have been really good at that. Um, and I, the way I, we talk about it, obviously when we're coaching clients is to have a really thriving influx of patients.

Um, you know, you want to, you want to market for new patients. You want to market to the. active patient. So when they're, [00:05:00] um, you know, basically a new patient all the way until you discharge them. So that active care and then they're inactive patient base, you want to be marketing to them. And, and there's a lot of creative ways of, of doing that.

And so we talk about that. I'm going to put that aside for now. And then the other thing we talk about is having a. A really well rounded approach in your community. And when I say community, I'm going to, that's going to be, you know, people you don't know, that's going to be your patients, right? And there's three things I look at for that is, is one is, uh, definitely want to optimize the patient experience and get.

Patient referrals. We all know that the patient referral is, is kind of your best bet for getting new patients. And, and then the second thing we talk about is that total web presence and all the online and digital content you're, you're getting out there. And then the third thing, and what we're going to really kind of dive into today Is is building that network of people that are referring to you.

And these aren't necessarily your patients, right? [00:06:00] These are kind of gatekeepers. These are the personal trainers, the yoga instructor, the doctors, the attorneys, uh, people in the community. Maybe it's your church. Maybe it's a B and I group. It's just, it's just this almost army of people. It's the bike shop guy who does bike fittings.

It's the running shoe store. It's like, I mean, it's just all these folks that know you as the expert and, and doing that. And that's kind of that community outreach that we, we talk a lot about. And so that's why I want to, I want to dive into that, um, today and get some of your, your thoughts on it. Because I think what's happening is too many of the.

of the younger DCs, and I would say the younger DC now is probably 25 to 40, um, who's grown up with this digital marketing, is only relying on that. Are you, are you seeing some of that? And what are your thoughts on the chiropractor that's building, trying to build his or her practice, and it's just online only?

Ashley Jordan, DC: Yeah, it's definitely, Uh, with COVID, I think a lot of people switch so [00:07:00] much to just the online and now we have to start getting back out in into the communities and start building back these practices again.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah, that's a good point. I didn't think about that with the, with COVID, obviously that was the elephant in the room for that.

Um, and you know, we're, we're here, we're, we're big proponents of online marketing and content and getting creative and we teach chiropractors how to obviously get even better at that and, and kind of cut through the, through the noise. Um, but, but something I think that we've been doing really well, uh, with, uh, with our members is a community outreach plan and, You've been kind enough to you're doing a monthly creative call to our members and it's all around this.

Can you just uh, first dive into um, kind of the Framework of what the the monthly creative call is that you're doing.

Ashley Jordan, DC: Yeah, so we break it into three different parts The first thing we do is talk about all the monthly campaigns, which again, that's all the online stuff And then we go into [00:08:00] different community outreach ideas And then we always end with a few different in office initiatives that people can do in their office.

So, it's been super good to just get our clients all rolling on like this full framework instead of just the online.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah, and that was your idea when you You came on board to coaching is like, cause I think you, I think you noticed it when we were doing our regular traditional coaching calls or our group calls and stuff.

And there was a lot of need for that and clarification on it. And even, and even like planning of it, right? It's like, if you go, you know, for instance, we go to this tennis academy every Saturday and we work on some of the tennis players and it's, uh, you helped you and Brittany helped develop a. You know, a whole QR code process that goes to a Google form that goes to zaps over to your email list and like a whole, whole kind of backstage of it.

And I think that's something between certain ideas like that. And also our CSA digital dashboard, where we have all the planning tools for community outreach and, and [00:09:00] really. Working on that backstage of it too, and getting, make sure you organize it and cultivate those leads. And so that's been a nice to, to really work with our members.

And we've gotten a lot of good feedback on that.

Ashley Jordan, DC: Yeah, for sure. I would definitely say it's more like an and not an or to make sure you're doing all the things and not just community outreach or just social media. The best, the best bang for your buck is to get that whole, that whole, whole model.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah.

And let's, I want to dive into the community outreach side of things. Um, what do you think is some of the limiting thoughts on it from a chiropractor or some of the things that kind of roadblock them in actually getting out there and doing it?

Ashley Jordan, DC: I think setting aside the time, like when you're first starting out, people think they need to be in their clinic close to 40 hours a week, right?

Sometimes you've got to carve out these times and sometimes you've got to work weekends when you're first starting out. Heck, we're still [00:10:00] doing one a quarter at least of getting out to a 5k. So I think those are the big ones is you have to set aside the time. And then even walking into a place cold can be tough for people.

So I think those are, those are big, big couple of different ones.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah, definitely. And, and, and don't be too good for it. Right. I think that's something I noticed is people think it's like, ah, you know, I, um, you know, I got in this to be a doctor, not to, to be, go out and promoting myself, but you can't be above that.

I mean, heck I'm 20 years into it. And actually tonight, the day we record this, not, not release it. I'm going to a, um, a running store at seven o'clock tonight. I'm going to go home after work, have dinner with the family, come go back to a running store because they, they, They do a big, uh, Saturday running group in tonight.

They do the kind of kickoff, uh, introduction and they let me come and speak for, for like seven minutes, you know, and, um, and so, but it's an opportunity and I'm going to do it. You know, uh, my, my [00:11:00] associate is, uh, in Colorado Springs actually for, uh, active release technique training. So I'm going to dive in and do that.

And this Saturday I'm actually, uh, once a month I do that tennis academy. So, uh, you know, I'm not, I'm not above it. And I don't think anybody should, should think that. Do you, do you see that sometimes where they think that's, yeah, I don't really want to be going out there and doing that type of stuff.

Ashley Jordan, DC: Yeah, for sure. And like us personally, even though we have our associate getting out there, we make sure that we're doing our same five community touch points each and every week. So definitely make sure that everyone's, everyone's contributing.

Dr. Kevin Christie: So let's, let's dive into that. Uh, five weekly touches. Cause that's something that you've really been, um, talking a lot about with our, with our members, uh, what does, what does that look like?

Is that five touches per clinic or per doctor?

Ashley Jordan, DC: I think it all depends on your situation. Someone actually in the mastermind is who brought it up to me is we were trying to figure out like what's reasonable for a [00:12:00] reasonable amount to have our associate get out in the community. And she actually started the five touch points.

So for our clinic alone, uh, me and Brit do five together. And then our associate does his own five. I think you've got to figure out what's realistic for your clinic. But the next biggest thing is you've got to hold yourself accountable. A plug to the CSA is, um, once you do these five, you've got to put them into your CSA.

So then you can follow up. If you don't track it, you can't change it, right? So if you're not following up with these five touch points, then some of them can be a waste of your time. So we've been loving not only the five touch points, but also plugging them into the CSA and making sure that like, if someone is already referring, we'll probably hit them up once a quarter, but if they're not referring yet.

I'm trying to follow up at least once a month to turn them into a referring, just a great referral. So that's been [00:13:00] awesome over the last six months.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah, no, definitely. That was kind of something that I thought about. Again, I want to give credit to a strategic coach. They, they have something called the top 20 and farm club, which is, it's just like, okay, write out what your network is.

Right. And so I felt like the top 20, uh, didn't really. Translate too much of the chiropractic. I think at a certain point, you need a lot more than top 20, you know, 20 people referring to you. And so we built out a tool that allowed for this and on the dashboard and, uh, we call it the my network tool. And essentially if you meet with somebody, And you have a connection with them.

I don't care if it's a cup of coffee or if it's at a running shoe event, like I will tonight or whatever, um, you're going to put them on the potential referring category on that dashboard. And then it's got things on there where you can track like when was your last touch point? And the goal is, is to cultivate that relationship.

So then, then you can actually drag and drop it over into the [00:14:00] referring partner. Section and so you're really tracking people that are in that category of okay. I've connected with them. I've met with them. We've established a relationship there of some sort. How do I cultivate cultivate this into a referring relationship?

And so that's the tool you're referencing in there. And that's just 1 of the things we, we also built out the. Um, allied health network tool, which I stole the idea from, from Kurt, who's one of our coaches, and I'm sure he stole from somebody else, but that's where you develop, um, you know, a referring system to other healthcare providers.

So if your patient comes in and needs a massage therapist, you have one. If you're. Patient comes in and they need a baseball training coach. You have one. If they need an orthopedic surgeon, you have one and it's all on this database. And then it gives you an idea of, okay, what holes do you have in your network that you need to go out and connect with?

And so we coach our clients on how to [00:15:00] do that. Um, are you guys doing some of the allied health network stuff in your community?

Ashley Jordan, DC: Yeah, definitely a little bit of that as well as starting to get back into shadowing some of these doctor's offices. So then I think it's, it's easy for them to become part of your allied network.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah, talk about that. You know, I love the idea. In the past I've, um, when I was younger, I shadowed actually a few surgeries and that's something I recommend as well, but are you shadowing in their office?

Ashley Jordan, DC: Yeah, we do a pain clinic at least once a year and we refer a ton back and forth with him. And then we're starting to try to get into a few different primary cares that we work really well with.

We did shadow one at the end of last summer, and it was actually eye opening. He went into diet and exercise and just things that I wouldn't expect a primary care. And, and within that next week, we got a handful of referrals from the office. So I would definitely try to get into some of these clinics.[00:16:00]

And we actually just hired a community outreach to try to help us start setting these up just because we don't have the exact time. So

Dr. Kevin Christie: you hired an actual person to help with the community outreach?

Ashley Jordan, DC: Just super part time, but it's been good so far.

Dr. Kevin Christie: That's great. That's really cool. And then, um, one of the things I remember you two did that I liked was when we were talking about the allied health network and, you know, plugging the holes.

If you don't have a neurologist, you know, basically on this tool we have on the CSA dashboard is it'll actually let you pick a specialty under health. So that'd be in your health care providers and then under performance. So I think tennis coach, um, and it gives you a list of ones and you can click it and it, you know, And then it helps you to say, okay, yeah, that's something I don't have.

And one of the things I remember you did was you have that relationship with that primary care doctor. And so theoretically, if you're, if you need a neurologist, you could ask the other doctor that you do have a relationship with, like, Hey, who's the top [00:17:00] neurologist and then. They get you that information like, Oh, you know, Dr.

Smith is the top neurologist. And then you call them and you, you know, you're probably going to speak to the front desk person at Dr. Smith's office, but say, Hey, this is Dr. Christie. I'm, uh, you know, a chiropractor in the area. Uh, Dr. Jones, a primary care doctor said that Dr. Smith is, is the neurologist. I need to know I'm trying to build out a world class referral system.

They're like, so I can send my patients to, is there a chance I could stop by the office? I'd love to be Dr. Smith and connect with them. Right. Um, is that something that you, you, you did that, right? It was a primary care doctor, if I recall.

Ashley Jordan, DC: Um, no, it was actually the pain clinic doctor that he had a whole, a whole sheet and he, and he gave us all, everyone who he refers to.

And it's kind of cool because we were the only chiropractor that he refers to on the sheet. So it's cool. Yeah. So it's kind of cool to be able to ask and just see. See who, see who they're referring to. I mean, we have a couple of really good doctors that [00:18:00] we super trust and he's one of them, so I knew that everyone that was on his list would be super trustworthy.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah, that's great. Um, and so you just leverage a, uh, another expert to get some of those contacts and, and go from there. And I think, you know, the first order of business on that is to have a great referral system for your patients, because that's part of being a great doctor. But then the second part is, is, yeah, you're building a network of, of like minded, uh, referral partners.

So, um, can, can be very, very beneficial for, for that. Um, now, With your, with your five weekly touches, I think one of the things that we talk a lot about as well, and I think psychologically, evidence based chiropractors have struggled with the idea of getting out in the community a lot is because they think about the old school cheesy shit that chiropractors have done for years, right?

The, uh, what we call like kind of the credibility subtracting things out in the community and the things that we try to coach our clients on are like, Are the, are the credibility enhancing things, um, you know, public speaking, meeting with [00:19:00] doctors, working, uh, running event, things like that, where you're being helpful.

Um, what are some of the things that you try to do in your clinic with the weekly, uh, the five weekly touches? What are some of the ideas there?

Ashley Jordan, DC: Well, I think one of the biggest things that it's easiest to try to be your ideal patient. So we really want to treat runners. Guess what? This summer, we really dove in and have showed up to run club each and every week.

A lot of those runners are also taking or even teaching Pilates class. So we're hitting up a Pilates class. We let one video a week be one of our five. Um, then this week alone, we met up with another one of the local PPs. Uh, that we refer to a lot and let just had a good conversation with her on how we could help people that aren't responding to her, but they don't want surgery or medication, we would be a great option.

Yeah, so that's been good. [00:20:00] Other than that the community videos have been awesome So we try to do at least one community video a month This week alone. We actually went to the local bike shop and then you're just talking all about How you can help them or what they have to offer and then getting the community video out to your network The bike shop guy was so thankful.

No one's ever done anything like that So if you can get in with that Uh, we've also done them with different running coaches. Uh, golf pros is a really good one. One way that we talked about getting in with, with some of the golf pros in, in one of our MCM calls was go and take a lesson. Like a lot of people are struggling getting past that first front door of the golf shops.

Go take a lesson. So that was good. Running shoe store, we did one at, um, and then last week we actually did one with one of the local strength coaches. So it's just. starting to get out in the [00:21:00] community. And it's definitely, we hold the line and, and hold it, hold each other accountable. On our Wednesday meetings with all three of us doctors, the first thing we're doing is, what were your five touches?

How did they go? And, and talking through it and seeing if we can build a relationship.

Dr. Kevin Christie: That's great. You know, you, you two have a, um, a saying and it's be about it. And you've talked about that and you've really lived those core values of what your practice is. And it means more than just marketing. And it's also the health and fitness and your team members and health and fitness.

But, um, You and Brittany are really busy, you know, you, you guys, um, have a very busy practice and you provide great care and now you're coaching and you are both in our mastermind and you, and you both like to be out in the lake in the summertime and, but you are able to get stuff done. And I think that's something that a lot of chiropractors have to sometimes look in the mirror and say, frankly.

Um, my [00:22:00] practice is not where I thought it would be. I envisioned to be or frankly, where it should be. And I've been doing this for too long for it not to be there. Um, and this could be one of those big hurdles that you, you may need some help with on, on, on getting across from that. And just saying, you know what, we just got to get this done.

Ashley Jordan, DC: Yes, I mean, our run club and Pilates are both at 530 in the morning. Like, we don't want to be there, but we know that if we don't get our five touches in, I can't make my associate and hold him accountable if I'm not doing it myself. So we try, we always try to be about it, but we make sure that we're leading from the front and doing all the things that we expect everyone else in our clinic to be doing.

Dr. Kevin Christie: I love it. And I want to kind of transition to that because you, you, you both do push the envelope, uh, which, which is cool. And there's always seasons of life for sure around that. And, you know, maybe when one is 55 and the practice is booming, you don't necessarily need to do it yourself, [00:23:00] uh, but you got team members doing it, uh, you know, and obviously in Chicago back in July and our mastermind, the whole topic of the weekend was kind of pushing the envelope, but, but not burning out.

Um, What are, what are some of your thoughts on the, on the burnout thing? What are you doing to mitigate that and keep on being energized?

Ashley Jordan, DC: I definitely think scheduling everything out has helped us a ton. Um, we make sure we're getting some form of exercise six days a week. Uh, we both gratitude journal.

That's been huge. I know we talk a ton about the gap and the gain on on everything mcm and I think that the gratitude journal Has helped me a ton stay out of that gap so much Uh, definitely like we have we try to have our our not necessarily a full free day But we cut our saturday and sunday to noon and after is free time Right.

So we know that we're going to work hard, um, but then we definitely [00:24:00] play super hard if we're not working and the sun's out in the summer, we're on the lake, we're surfing, we're enjoying all those things. A couple other things I think that you've talked about is like outsourcing as much as you can. I used to enjoy cleaning the house.

I do not have the time to do it anymore. Right? Even cooking, like our lunches every single day for the last two and a half years have been delivered to the office. Those types of things can free you up to be able to make yourself have the time to work on your practice and avoid burnout.

Dr. Kevin Christie: I love that, you know, reinvesting some of the money into that.

And I do the same thing in a sense of delegating in my professional life, but also in my, in my personal life, I feel like I've got a whole team of people in my personal life. Uh, fortunately my, my wife takes care of a lot of things. She's home with the kids and doing that work. Uh, but then, you know, like I'm not mowing the lawn, I'm not.

We got a cleaner coming in. We do all that type of stuff as well, [00:25:00] because it's like, we want to, uh, I think two things it's, it's focused on the things that really matter in our personal life and focus on the things for me that matter in the professional life, uh, to, to do that. And it definitely helps clear my head of all the.

All the crap there. And I want to also, um, give a goal of clarity. The, the book is the gap in the game and gain, sorry, the gap and the gain. It's a, it's a concept again from strategic coach. And I think I'll define that. I highly recommend if you're listening to buy the book by the big book, it's on Amazon.

And it's a great easy read, but, uh, the gap in the game essentially is that, um, you know, where you are at currently right now, um, you will measure yourself against the ideal and that is the gap. And you're saying yourself, even though everything is great, you wish you had X, Y, and Z, or you wish your practice was this and you're measuring yourself against the ideal.

But what you should be doing is measuring back to where you have progressed from. And that's the gain you've gained from [00:26:00] X. Right. And so we all get in the gap. Um, but if you can start to consider, it's like, okay, well, look where I was three years ago or six years ago or whatever, um, you're going to feel better about the progress that you've made.

And cause if you compare against the ideal constantly, The ideal is like the horizon. It's always moving forward. And, and so that you gotta be careful of that. Now it's, you want to have a vision, uh, and that's going to guide you, but you want to always have gratitude of what the progress that you have made.

And so, uh, read that book. I know a lot of people that I've recommended that to, um, read it like once a year,

Ashley Jordan, DC: for sure. And one of my favorite things that you talk about, I think Dan Sullivan says it, um, how many times he gets in the gap every single day, but how quickly he gets out now. So I think that's, that's an awesome way to look at it as well.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah. It's the refractory period, you know, it's like, okay, we're all going to get in the gap, but, uh, is it, is it lasting for, you know, a day and a week or a month, or is it lasting for 25 seconds? Right. And that's the, that's the key [00:27:00] for sure. So Cool. Yeah. I just think, you know, chiropractors need to find a good integration.

I don't like, you know, I kind of moved on from the work life balance thing. It's work life integration. But know that You know, you, you're, you're building something. If you're, if you're the owner, um, you know, you're, you're building something and you got to take pride in that. It's going to take hard work.

Once you decided to be a chiropractor, that was hard. And then once you decided to be a chiropractor who's treating patients and owning a business, that's like doubly hard, if not triply hard. Uh, if you're an associate right now, you're building a book of business. You're building a practice. You're building a patient base.

That's not easy. That's hard. But what is hard? is worth doing. And when you do it for long enough, you're going to see the fruits of your labor. Just not going to happen overnight. And I think that's something that chiropractors don't understand is that when you start doing some of this community outreach, um, it's not going to, it's not going to bear fruit right away, but when you do it consistently, then all of a sudden it starts to happen.

And [00:28:00] it's a, it's a summation effect. And it is just one of the best ways to. To, to build a practice. And if you, if you layer on a great patient experience and you get all your content out there and you become a force in the content marketing world and your community and get all that out there, and you get out in the community, your practice is going to grow exponentially a lot quicker than, than your colleagues.

Ashley Jordan, DC: For

Dr. Kevin Christie: sure. So what's, uh, what's, what are you excited about? This is August, the end of August that we're recording this. What are you excited about this next, uh, kind of rest of this year, uh, to, to cap off a great year.

Ashley Jordan, DC: So it's been a super busy work year for us. We actually are completely adding in 1500 square feet of a gym.

So that's been huge. And in the next three weeks. The gym is going to be rolling. So that's a super big one. And then we got another MCM mastermind coming up here in the next couple of months, but another pretty big work year for us.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah. And I just want to, you know, [00:29:00] for our audience that didn't listen to the episode where I had you and Brit on, and, you know, I think it's been about five years since we've been working together and.

Um, you guys, you bought a practice, you know, fledgling when you bought it, it wasn't in a great space to get a front desk person and you, you both were working hard. Uh, but now you, um, five years later, you have over a thousand Google reviews, probably. Probably at 11 under now. Um, you, you, you too bought your own real estate.

That's a pretty good size to where you got a big clinic in there and now going to be a full clinic gym hybrid in there. Um, you've got associate doctor. How many team members total now, including you two?

Ashley Jordan, DC: Between nine and 10.

Dr. Kevin Christie: Yeah, between 9 and 10, uh, great profit margins, you dominate the sinking funds, and it's, and it's because obviously you both are great providers and do great with that, but it's been because you just put in [00:30:00] the, in the work and it's cool to see that when someone follows up, uh, uh, you know, a framework and inputs into work, uh, how it, how it actually bears fruit.

Ashley Jordan, DC: Yeah, coaching has 100 percent completely changed our life. One of our favorite sayings is you don't know what you don't know. And in school, they don't teach you how to how to actually run a business. They teach you how to pass boards. And MCM has 100 percent done that for us. Like I do not miss any meetings.

I don't think I've missed one in four years. One that when we and the ones that we do one a week. So coaching can 100 percent change your life if you put Put the work in for it.

Dr. Kevin Christie: One of my favorite

Ashley Jordan, DC: sayings on it is, if you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together, get the people around you that are where you want to be, ask as many questions as you can.

Dr. Kevin Christie: That's awesome. I love that. And yeah, it's just, um, I think the big thing is if you, if you [00:31:00] really do dedicate yourself to coaching and you got a good framework in there and you put in the work, you'll, you'll be, um, a very good. business person in addition to a very good doctor and you can be both. And when we really talk about being a good business person, it's, it's about doing all the fundamentals, right.

And having a good vision and all that. And, and, and that's a really good place to be in. And it was cool. We'll kind of leave it at this, um, in Chicago, we, We have two members that, uh, one is 61 and one is 71. And we did a wisdom session with them, uh, where they are an hour. We kind of Q and a them on different things and just to hear their insights of, uh, again, they both have phenomenal, awesome practices.

Um, but to, to hear, you know, there's ups and downs, there's buildings that burn down and there's, you know, there's like a lot of stuff that can happen, um, but they've, um, put in the work over time. And they've done the things that have given them energy, and it's been cool to see [00:32:00] that. And I think the sooner you start, the quicker it will happen for you.

But you can be very good at business like these two gentlemen, and have phenomenal clinical practices.

Ashley Jordan, DC: For sure.

Dr. Kevin Christie: All right. Cool. Well, this was nice. I appreciate you coming on and I appreciate your, your work that you're doing with not only coaching some of our members and being on the group calls and doing the, the creative call, but also the ideas, uh, that you keep on bringing to the table and we're getting better over here at, at MCM.

So I thank you for that.

Ashley Jordan, DC: Okay. It's been awesome.